Short CV |
I'm Marisa Faustino, a PhD fellow in Biology, in the field of Forensic Genetics, at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP). My research is being developed within the Population Genetics and Evolution Group, at IPATIMUP/i3S. My doctoral project, entitled “Levering the statistical assessment of X-chromosomal evidence in forensic genetics” aims to develop a curated, updated and centralized platform gathering high-quality data of X chromosomal STRs, along with informatic tools for calculating mutation rates and forensic genetic parameters. Within the scope of my PhD project, my recent work focuses on developing a mathematical framework to evaluate the DNA evidence from pairwise kinship analysis, where one of the individuals presents an X chromosomal aneuploidy (Trisomy X, Klinefelter or Turner syndrome) and the correspondent informatic tools. I hold a MSc in Forensic Genetics (FCUP), a MSc in Biotechnology (IST) and a BSc in Biochemistry (FCUL) and I worked as a research fellow at Inorganic Biochemistry and NMR Laboratory (IBN), ITQB-NOVA. |