Mariana Nunes
Name: Mariana Nunes
Academic Degree: MSc

Mariana Nunes
Mariana Nunes
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Short CV

I am currently a PhD student in Differentiation and Cancer Group and in the Doutoral Progrma in Pathology and Molecular Genetic in the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar of the University of Porto.

In 2019, I obtained a master’s degree in Oncology by Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar from University of Porto. My Master´s Dissertation “First line drug testing in ovarian cancer cell lines manipulated for Mesothelin expression", was performed under scientific supervision of Doctor Sara Ricardo and Doctor Leonor David in Differentiation and Cancer Group at i3S. 

In 2016, I completed by Bachelor´s degree in Biology at the University of Aveiro with an internship in Genomics Unit at Biocant (University of Coimbra).


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PI (running)

PI (closed)
First Author
1. Nunes M, Duarte D, Vale N, Ricardo S
2. Nunes M, Pacheco F, Coelho R, Leitão D, Ricardo S, David L
3. Nunes M, Silva PMA, Coelho R, Pinto C, Resende A, Bousbaa H, Almeida GM, Ricardo S
4. Nunes M, Silva PMA, Coelho R, Pinto C, Resende A, Bousbaa H, Almeida GM, Ricardo S
5. Nunes M, Henriques Abreu M, Bartosch C, Ricardo S
Recycling the Purpose of Old Drugs to Treat Ovarian Cancer. International journal of molecular sciences 21: ., 2020. [Review] 
Senior Author
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