Fátima Carneiro
Name: Fátima Carneiro
E-mail: fcarneiro@ipatimup.pt
Academic Degree: PhD

Fátima Carneiro
Fátima Carneiro
Member of
Consultant of Ipatimup Diagnostics

Short CV
Academic degrees
1993: Doctor in Medicine (Anatomic Pathology), Medical Faculty of Porto
1988: Specialist in Anatomic Pathology, Board of the Health Ministry and Board of the Portuguese Medical Association

1978: MD, Medical Faculty of Porto, Portugal

Present position, institutions, dates
2001: Professor of Anatomic Pathology, Medical Faculty of Porto
2001: Head of Department of Anatomic Pathology, Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto
1993: Senior Investigator, Ipatimup

Other appointments
2011-: President of the European Society of Pathology
2009-: Delegate of Portugal to the Committee for the FP7 specific programme “Cooperation”, Theme 1 Health of the
European Commission
2008: Coordinator of the Portuguese Network of Tumour Banks
2007: Member, Scientific Council of the International Gastric Cancer Association
2006-2009 Vice-President, Portuguese Academy of Medicine
2006-: Member, European Association of Pathology Chairs and Program Directors (EAPCP)
2002-: Member, Working Group on Digestive Diseases of the European Society of Pathology
2001-2005: Member, Executive Committee of the European Society of Pathology
2000-: Organizer and Coordinator of the GABBA Doctoral Program of the University of Porto
1999-: Member, Steering Group of the International Gastric Cancer Linkage Consortium

Membership in editorial teams of scientific joumals
• Editor of the volume on Tumours of the Digestive System (4th edition of the WHO Blue Books on Classification of Tumours)
• Managing Editor of Virchows Archiv
• Member (past or present) of the Editorial Boards of the following Journals: Pathology Update, The Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (JCMM), Jornal Português de Gastrenterologia and Turkish Journal of Pathology. Member of the Editorial Board of the Handbook on ""Comprehensive Tumour Terminology"" (UICC)

Co-author of about 250 peer-reviewed publications in international journals (About 3000 citations and “h factor” of 38) and chapters of books issued by WHO (""Pathology & Genetics of Tumours of the Digestive Tract"", 3rd Edition, 2000 & “Tumours of the Digestive System”, 4th Edition, 2010) and UICC (Handbook on ""Comprehensive Tumour Terminology"", 2001).

Research activity directed towards the understanding of i) etiopathogenesis of gastric cancer, mainly focusing on the study of the interplay between Helicobacter pylori virulence factors and host genetic susceptibility; ii) molecular basis of sporadic and familial gastric carcinoma development, with an emphasis on Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC).

Supervisor of
Rita Barros, Junior Researcher
Junior Researcher
Xiaogang Wen, Research Consultant

PI (running)

PI (closed)
First Author
Hereditary gastric cancer. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 92 Suppl 2: S4, 2018. [Meeting Abstract] 
Hereditary GI Cancer Syndromes The Journal of pathology 246: S6-S6, 2018. [Meeting Abstract] 
Promoting Pathology Pan European Networks: Science & Technology  ., 2013. [] 
Pathology of Hereditary Gastric Cancer. Spotlight on Familial and Hereditary Gastric Cancer. Corso G and Roviello F (eds), Springer  141-156, 2013. [] 
5. Carneiro F, Lauwers G
Epithelial tumours of the stomach. Morson and Dawson’s: Gastrointestinal Pathology, Fifth Edition. Shepherd N, Warren B, Williams G, Greenson J, Lauwers G and Novelli M (eds), Blackwell Publishing ltd  180-222, 2013. [] 
6. Carneiro F, Oliveira C, Seruca R
Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer and other gastric cancers associated with hereditary predisposition syndromes. Molecular Pathology of Neoplastic Diseases. Sepúlveda AR, Lynch JP (eds), Springer, New York  83-107, 2013. [] 
Hereditary gastric cancer. Der Pathologe 33 Suppl 2: 231-4, 2012. [Article] 
8. Carneiro F, Oliveira C, Seruca R
Pathology and genetics of familial gastric cancer. International journal of surgical pathology 18: 33S-36S, 2010. [Article; Proceedings Paper] 
Molecular pathology tools in gastrointestinal pathology. International journal of surgical pathology 18: 53S-55S, 2010. [Article; Proceedings Paper] 
11. Carneiro F, Oliveira C, Leite M, Seruca R
Molecular targets and biological modifiers in gastric cancer. Seminars in diagnostic pathology 25: 274-87, 2008. [Review] 
 PMID: 19013893.
12. Carneiro F, Moutinho C, Pera G, Caldas C, Fenger C, Offerhaus J, Save V, Stenling R, Nesi G, Mahlke U, Bläker H, Torrado J, Roukos DH, Sabourin JC, Boeing H, Palli D, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Overvad K, Bingham S, Clavel-Chapelon F, Lund E, Trichopoulou A, Manjer J, Riboli E, Gonzalez CA
Pathology findings and validation of gastric and esophageal cancer cases in a European cohort (EPIC/EUR-GAST). Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology 42: 618-27, 2007. [Article] 
13. Carneiro F, Chaves P
Pathologic risk factors of adenocarcinoma of the gastric cardia and gastroesophageal junction. Surgical oncology clinics of North America 15: 697-714, 2006. [Review] 
14. Carneiro F, Huntsman DG, Smyrk TC, Owen DA, Seruca R, Pharoah P, Caldas C, Sobrinho-Simões M
 doi: 10.1002/path.1564 PMID: 15141383.
15. Carneiro F, Machado JC, Nabais S, Santos CM, Sobrinho Simões M
Mixed carcinoma of the stomach: a clinicopathological entity. Histopathology 43: 94-5, 2003. [Letter] 
 PMID: 12823718.
Current thoughts on the histopathogenesis of gastric cancer. European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP) 10: 101-2, 2001. [Article; Proceedings Paper] 
 PMID: 11263582.
 PMID: 10618628.
E-cadherin changes in gastric carcimona. Histopathology 35: 477-8, 1999. [Letter] 
 PMID: 10583566.
Doença citomegálica em doentes infectados pelo VIH. Revista Portuguesa de Doenças Infecciosas 21999: 80-88, 1999. [] 
20. Carneiro F, Ribeiro MM, Sobrinho-Simoes M
Prognostic factors in gastric carcinoma. British journal of cancer 76: 278, 1997. [Letter] 
 PMID: 9231933.
Signet ring cell carcinoma in hyperplastic polyp. Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology 31: 95-6, 1996. [Letter] 
 PMID: 8927948.
 PMID: 8941019.
New elements for an updated classification of the carcinomas of the stomach. Pathology, research and practice 191: 571-84, 1995. [Article] 
 PMID: 7479380.
Carcinoma arising in gastric hyperplastic polyps. Gastrointestinal endoscopy 41: 178-9, 1995. [Letter] 
 PMID: 7721015.
25. Carneiro F, Santos L, David L, Dabelsteen E, Clausen H, Sobrinho-Simões M
 PMID: 8181802.
26. Carneiro F, Amado M, David L, Clausen H, Sobrinho-Simões M
Glycosylation features of gastric carcinoma initiation and progression. A review with emphasis on simple mucin-type carbohydrates and histo-blood group antigens of the Lewis system. European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP) 3 Suppl 2: 39-46, 1994. [Proceedings Paper] 
 PMID: 7735044.
Sialyl-Tn expression in gastric carcinoma. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 30A: 1398-9, 1994. [Letter] 
 PMID: 7999432.
28. Carneiro F, David L, Seruca R, Castedo S, Nesland JM, Sobrinho-Simões M
 PMID: 8319165.
29. Carneiro F, Taveira-Gomes A, Cabral-Correia A, Vasconcelos-Teixeira A, Barreira R, Cardoso-Oliveira M, Sobrinho-Simões M
Characteristics of the gastric mucosa of direct relatives of patients with sporadic gastric carcinoma. European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP) 2: 239-46, 1993. [] 
 PMID: 8490543.
Epithelial degeneration induced by Helicobacter pylori. Human pathology 23: 1314-5, 1992. [Letter] 
 PMID: 1427763.
Senior Author
1. Tavares de Sousa H, Carneiro F
Understanding progression of strictures in ileal Crohn's disease-The importance of setting methodological standards. United European gastroenterology journal 10: 915-916, 2022. [Editorial Material] 
 doi: 10.1002/ueg2.12327 PMID: 36251489.
Proteomics Analysis of Gastric Cancer Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of clinical medicine 10: ., 2021. [Article] 
 doi: 10.3390/jcm10030407 PMID: 33494396.
3. Magro F, Alves C, Lopes J, Lopes S, Tavares de Sousa H, Cotter J, Macedo da Silva V, Lago P, Vieira A, Brito M, Duarte MAM, Portela F, Silva JP, Ministro P, Arroja B, Carvalho L, Torres J, Santiago M, Estevinho MM, Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Dias CC, Borralho P, Feakins RM, Carneiro F
Histologic Features of Colon Biopsies (Geboes Score) Associated With Progression of Ulcerative Colitis for the First 36 Months After Biopsy. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association 19: 2567-2576.e9, 2021. [Article] 
4. Gullo I, van der Post RS, Carneiro F
Recent advances in the pathology of heritable gastric cancer syndromes. Histopathology 78: 125-147, 2021. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1111/his.14228 PMID: 33382491.
5. Magro F, Lopes J, Borralho P, Lopes S, Coelho R, Cotter J, Dias de Castro F, Tavares de Sousa H, Salgado M, Andrade P, Vieira AI, Figueiredo P, Caldeira P, Sousa A, Duarte MA, Ávila F, Silva J, Moleiro J, Mendes S, Giestas S, Ministro P, Sousa P, Gonçalves R, Gonçalves B, Oliveira A, Chagas C, Cravo M, Dias CC, Afonso J, Portela F, Santiago M, Geboes K, Carneiro F
6. Gullo I, Oliveira P, Athelogou M, Gonçalves G, Pinto ML, Carvalho J, Valente A, Pinheiro H, Andrade S, Almeida GM, Huss R, Das K, Tan P, Machado JC, Oliveira C, Carneiro F
New insights into the inflamed tumor immune microenvironment of gastric cancer with lymphoid stroma: from morphology and digital analysis to gene expression. Gastric cancer : official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association 22: 77-90, 2019. [Article] 
7. van der Post RS, Oliveira C, Guilford P, Carneiro F
Hereditary gastric cancer: what's new? Update 2013-2018. Familial cancer 18: 363-367, 2019. [Review] 
8. Magro F, Lopes S, Silva M, Coelho R, Portela F, Branquinho D, Correia L, Fernandes S, Cravo M, Caldeira P, Tavares de Sousa H, Patita M, Lago P, Ramos J, Afonso J, Redondo I, Machado P, Philip G, Lopes J, Carneiro F
9. Sousa N, Fautino C, Aguas LMN, Freire J, Coutinho C, Fautino I, Capela A, Costa T, Costa ASA, Coelho S, Pereira F, Abreu SC, Rolo AS, Albergaria A, Lima J, Wen XG, Mesquita C, Dias CC, Azevedo LF, Carneiro F
Homologous recombination deficiency as prognostic marker in metastatic gastric cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 37: ., 2019. [Meeting Abstract] 
10. Magro F, Lopes S, Silva M, Coelho R, Portela F, Branquinho D, Correia L, Fernandes S, Cravo M, Caldeira P, Sousa H, Patita M, Lago P, Ramos J, Afonso J, Redondo I, Machado P, Philip G, Lopes J, Carneiro F
11. Rocha JP, Gullo I, Wen X, Devezas V, Baptista M, Oliveira C, Carneiro F
 doi: 10.1111/his.13715 PMID: 30014492.
12. Gullo I, Devezas V, Baptista M, Garrido L, Castedo S, Morais R, Wen X, Rios E, Pinheiro J, Pinto-Ribeiro I, Ferreira RM, Preto J, Santos-Antunes J, Marques M, Campos M, Almeida F, Espinheira MDC, Amil Dias J, Figueiredo C, Oliveira C, Trindade E, Carneiro F
13. Saraiva AL, Carneiro F
 doi: 10.20344/amp.10112 PMID: 30020878.
Hereditary gastric cancer. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 92 Suppl 2: S4, 2018. [Meeting Abstract] 
15. Spaans LN, Miranda S, Garcia D, Machado JC, Carneiro F
Hereditary GI Cancer Syndromes The Journal of pathology 246: S6-S6, 2018. [Meeting Abstract] 
17. Werkstetter KJ, Korponay-Szabó IR, Popp A, Villanacci V, Salemme M, Heilig G, Lillevang ST, Mearin ML, Ribes-Koninckx C, Thomas A, Troncone R, Filipiak B, Mäki M, Gyimesi J, Najafi M, Dolinšek J, Dydensborg Sander S, Auricchio R, Papadopoulou A, Vécsei A, Szitanyi P, Donat E, Nenna R, Alliet P, Penagini F, Garnier-Lengliné H, Castillejo G, Kurppa K, Shamir R, Hauer AC, Smets F, Corujeira S, van Winckel M, Buderus S, Chong S, Husby S, Koletzko S, ProCeDE study group S
Accuracy in Diagnosis of Celiac Disease Without Biopsies in Clinical Practice. Gastroenterology 153: 924-935, 2017. [Article] 
18. Alsina M, Gullo I, Carneiro F
Intratumoral heterogeneity in gastric cancer: a new challenge to face. Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology 28: 912-913, 2017. [Editorial Material] 
19. Magro F, Afonso J, Lopes S, Coelho R, Gonçalves R, Caldeira P, Lago P, de Sousa HT, Ramos J, Gonçalves AR, Ministro P, Rosa I, Meira T, Andrade P, Soares JB, Carvalho D, Sousa P, Vieira AI, Lopes J, Dias CC, Geboes K, Carneiro F
Clinical performance of an infliximab rapid quantification assay. Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology 10: 651-660, 2017. [Article] 
20. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Tubular Adenocarcinoma Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  659-662, 2017. [] 
21. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  636-641, 2017. [] 
22. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Mucinous Carcinoma, Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  505-508, 2017. [] 
23. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Hyperplastic Polyps (Stomach) Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  353-358, 2017. [] 
24. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Goblet Cells Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  316-319, 2017. [] 
25. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Gastritis Cystica Polyposa/Profunda Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  286-288, 2017. [] 
26. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Gastric Stump Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  281-284, 2017. [] 
27. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Fundic Gland Polyp Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  251-255, 2017. [] 
28. Henriques-Coelho T, Carneiro F
Esophageal Atresia Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  235-237, 2017. [] 
29. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
E-Cadherin, Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  213-218, 2017. [] 
30. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Chronic Gastritis Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  132-137, 2017. [] 
31. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Adenoma, Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  35-38, 2017. [] 
32. Van der Post C, Carneiro F
Adenocarcinoma, Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  19-29, 2017. [] 
33. van der Post C, Carneiro F
Acute Gastritis Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract  12-17, 2017. [] 
34. Cipriano MA, Carneiro F
O papel da biopsia nos tumores do fígado Carcinoma Hepatocelular  41-48, 2017. [] 
35. van der Post RS, Carneiro F
36. van der Post RS, Gullo I, Oliveira C, Tang LH, Grabsch HI, O'Donovan M, Fitzgerald RC, van Krieken H, Carneiro F
Histopathological, Molecular, and Genetic Profile of Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer: Current Knowledge and Challenges for the Future. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 908: 371-91, 2016. [Article; Book Chapter] 
38. Valente P, Garrido M, Gullo I, Baldaia H, Marques M, Baldaque-Silva F, Lopes J, Carneiro F
Epithelial dysplasia of the stomach with gastric immunophenotype shows features of biological aggressiveness. Gastric cancer : official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association 18: 720-8, 2015. [Article] 
39. Marcos R, Correia-Gomes C, Miranda H, Carneiro F
Liver gender dimorphism - insights from quantitative morphology. Histology and histopathology 30: 1431-7, 2015. [Review] 
 doi: 10.14670/HH-11-648 PMID: 26196413.
40. Durães C, Almeida GM, Seruca R, Oliveira C, Carneiro F
Biomarkers for gastric cancer: prognostic, predictive or targets of therapy? Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 464: 367-78, 2014. [Review] 
Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer - Pathophysiology and clinical management. Best practice & research. Clinical gastroenterology 28: 1055-1068, 2014. [Article] 
E-cadherin alterations in hereditary disorders with emphasis on hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. Progress in molecular biology and translational science 116: 337-59, 2013. [Review; Book Chapter] 
43. Oliveira C, Seruca R, Hoogerbrugge N, Ligtenberg M, Carneiro F
Clinical utility gene card for: Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC). European journal of human genetics : EJHG 21: ., 2013. [Editorial Material] 
Promoting Pathology Pan European Networks: Science & Technology  ., 2013. [] 
Hereditary gastric cancer. Der Pathologe 33 Suppl 2: 231-4, 2012. [Article] 
Molecular pathology tools in gastrointestinal pathology. International journal of surgical pathology 18: 53S-55S, 2010. [Article; Proceedings Paper] 
47. Oliveira C, Seruca R, Carneiro F
Hereditary gastric cancer. Best practice & research. Clinical gastroenterology 23: 147-57, 2009. [Article] 
48. Eloy C, Lopes JM, Faria G, Moreira H, Brandão A, Silva T, Carneiro F
Clear cell change in colonic polyps. International journal of surgical pathology 17: 438-43, 2009. [Article] 
49. Rodrigues M, Vitó I, Santos R, Paiva J, Pontes P, Silva P, Carneiro F
50. Sarmento-Castro R, Horta A, Vasconcelos O, Coelho H, Mendez J, Tavares AP, Seabra J, Duarte M, Chaves L, Fortes O, Recalde C, Ventura A, Pires N, Pinho L, Dias N, Carneiro F
51. Oliveira C, Seruca R, Carneiro F
Genetics, pathology, and clinics of familial gastric cancer. International journal of surgical pathology 14: 21-33, 2006. [Review] 
 PMID: 16501831.
52. Carvalho B, Buffart TE, Reis RM, Mons T, Moutinho C, Silva P, van Grieken NC, Grabsch H, van de Velde CJ, Ylstra B, Meijer GA, Carneiro F
Mixed gastric carcinomas show similar chromosomal aberrations in both their diffuse and glandular components. Cellular oncology : the official journal of the International Society for Cellular Oncology 28: 283-94, 2006. [Article] 
 PMID: 17167181.
53. Oliveira C, Moreira H, Seruca R, de Oliveira MC, Carneiro F
Role of pathology in the identification of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer: report of a Portuguese family. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 446: 181-4, 2005. [Article] 
54. Magro F, Pereira P, Veloso FT, Carneiro F
Unusual presentation of tuberculosis after infliximab therapy. Inflammatory bowel diseases 11: 82-4, 2005. [Letter] 
 PMID: 15674123.
55. Oliveira C, de Bruin J, Nabais S, Ligtenberg M, Moutinho C, Nagengast FM, Seruca R, van Krieken H, Carneiro F
Qual o papel da biópsia hepática? Jornal Português de Gastrenterologia 11: 39-40, 2004. [] 
57. Figueiredo C, Van Doorn LJ, Nogueira C, Soares JM, Pinho C, Figueira P, Quint WG, Carneiro F
 PMID: 11252403.
 Tumours of the stomach. UICC Comprehensive Tumour Terminology Handbook 1: 1, 2001. [] 
59. Ghadially FN, Carneiro F
Case for the panel. Smooth tubular aggregates, presumably Golgi in nature, in a gastric carcinoma. Ultrastructural pathology 25: 161-7, 2001. [Editorial Material] 
 PMID: 11407531.
Doença citomegálica em doentes infectados pelo VIH. Revista Portuguesa de Doenças Infecciosas 21999: 80-88, 1999. [] 
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