Carla Oliveira
Name: Carla Oliveira
Academic Degree: PhD

Carla Oliveira
Carla Oliveira
Member of
Consultant of Ipatimup Diagnostics

Short CV

Carla Oliveira, BSc, PhD

2015-present: Group Leader/Principal Investigator (tenure), Expression Regulation in Cancer Group, i3S Porto, PT

2013-present: Group Leader/Principal Investigator (tenure), Ipatimup, Porto, PT

2013-2023: Co-founder, Scientific Head and CEO, Bioinf2Bio Bioinformatics Company, Porto, PT

2006-present: Affiliated Professor, Dept. Pathology, Fac. Medicine, Univ. Porto, PT

2005-present: Consultant for gastric-cancer related syndromes, IPATIMUP Diagnostics, Porto, PT

2011-2012: Invited researcher, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tubingen, DE (E. Isaurralde Lab)

2008-2012: Junior Group Leader, Ipatimup, Porto, PT (Ciência 2008 – FCT)   

2005-2008: Team Leader, Ipatimup, Porto, PT (Agência de Inovação - FCT)   

2004-2005: Post-doc Researcher, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, CA (D. Huntsman Lab)

2002-2003: Post-doc Researcher, Ipatimup, Porto, PT (R. Seruca Lab) & INSERM, Paris, FR (R. Hamelin Lab)

March-2002: GABBA PhD in Human Biology, Fac. Medicine, Univ. Porto, PT

2001-2002: Visiting Ph.D. student, Ipatimup, PT (R. Seruca Lab)

1999-2000: Ph.D. student, CIMR - Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (C. Caldas Lab), Cambridge Univ., UK

1997-1998: Research Fellowship, Ipatimup-Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology UPorto, PT

1991-1996: Biochemistry Degree, Fac. Science and Technology, Univ. Coimbra, PT


H-INDEX = 61 (SCOPUS/ResearcherID) or 62 (GoogleScholar)

PUBLICATIONS: 215 peer-reviewed articles in the fields of Human Genetics and Molecular Oncology

Accumulated Impact Factor > 1.000,00: Citations: >18.000


C. Oliveira is recognized internationally for her work in E-cadherin/CDH1-related diseases and hereditary cancer. She disclosed novel germline causes of Hereditary Gastrointestinal Cancer and defined somatic events in tumours with impact for patient management and therapy.

Her main scientific aim is to disclose the missing heritability in Hereditary Gastric Cancer. For this, her team is exploring the whole genome, with particular emphasis in its noncoding portion. She also aims at finding biomarkers with clinical utility for earlier detection of sporadic and hereditary gastric cancer and to disclose actionable genotype-phenotype relationships in these diseases. The social and economic impact of hereditary cancer is a transversal aspect in her research and she privileges the interaction with Patient’s associations, such as EVITA, Europa Colon, No Stomach for Cancer, DeGregorio Foundation and Save our Stomachs. 

C. Oliveira has been a PI of projects funded with >9M€ and team member in projects with equivalent total budget. She independently raised additional 7M€ for human resources. She was invited speaker in >120 National and International conferences; She is the Secretary General of the Executive Committee of European Society of Human Genetics and member of its Scientific Program Committee (2017-2025); the President of the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics, after serving as Chair of its Scientific Program Committee from 2017-2023; and is the National Coordinator of the European Reference Network (ERN) on genetic tumour risk syndromes GENTURIS. She led the Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer branch of the ‘Solve-RD - solving the unsolved rare diseases’ EU-Project and currently coordinates the PREVENTABLE EU-project, leading teams from 16 Institutions across Europe to understand cost-effectiveness of active surveillance and disease prevention in asymptomatic carriers of cancer-predisposing variants ( She was recently the Chair of the 5th International Gastric Cancer Linkage Consortium (IGCLC) meeting, 13-15 June 2024, Porto, PT that will define the new clinical guidelines for HDGC patients. She is a member of the CDH1 Variant Curation Expert Panel a ClinGen National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded resource and a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Integrated Cancer Research Site (Siric) Curamus, Sorbonne Université, Paris, FR. She was the Representative of the Porto.Comprehensive Cancer Centre (P.CCC) in the European Reference Network ERN-GENTURIS on genetic tumour risk syndromes till 2022, and a founding member of the Portuguese Group of Hereditary Tumours (PROGO) promoted by The Portuguese Society of Oncology. She is regular reviewer of National and International fellowship and grant applications. She trained 68 researchers at various career stages in postgraduate programs and supervised >30 students (Masters and PhD) to completion.

For details see:

C. Oliveira’s group has also gained expertise and visibility in genomics and bioinformatics, due to active participation in international consortia and large European Projects including the European-wide research project SOLVE-RD – Solve Rare diseases; the Consortium GEUVADIS and GTEx; Several COST actions, as well as the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks ITN TRAIN-EV. The group has relevant roles in management and executive functions in the GenomePT National Infrastructure for genome sequencing and the 1 Million European Genomes project. Her team is multidisciplinary with strong background in oncobiology and genetics, and supported by technical expertise in molecular and cellular biology, NGS, bioinformatics and a strong link with hospitals and clinical professionals. Her team was recently awarded with the Prize Alfredo da Silva on “Sustentabilidade de sistemas de saúde” for the work on optimized pathways of care in Hereditary cancer syndromes, and the NONO Award to study pediatric cancers in TP53 variant carriers.

The “EXPRESSION REGULATION IN CANCER” group aims, in the next three years, to identification cancer-associated expression regulatory mechanisms that impact early diagnosis, prognosis and chemotherapy-induced resistance in cancer.

Specific aims:
1. Identify the molecular basis of familial gastric cancer (HDGC and Familial Intestinal Gastric Cancer - FIGC);
2. Uncover somatic regulation in gastric cancer and its relationship with patients’ prognosis;
3. Optimize tools for early diagnosis of gastric cancer;
4. Uncover mechanisms involved in metastasis and chemotherapy-induced resistance using Epithelial-Mesenchymal-Epithelial transitions (EMT/MET) experimental models;
5. Unravel the role of mRNA mistranslation in human cancer.

Supervisor of
Alexandre Dias, PhD Student
PhD student
Ana Pedro, Project Manager
Research Technician
Rita Matos, Post Doc
Post-Doc Researcher
Celina José, Post Doc
Post-Doc Researcher
Daniel Ferreira, Junior Researcher
Junior Researcher
Diana Ferreira, Fellow
Research Fellowship (MSc)
Hugo Pinheiro, External Researcher
Irene Gullo, Others
João Fonseca, PhD Student
PhD student
João Neto, Junior Researcher
Junior Researcher
José Garcia-Pelaez, Temporary
Visiting Researcher
Liliana Sousa, Junior Researcher
Junior Researcher
Luzia Garrido, Research Technician
Research Technician
Marta Ferreira, PhD Student
PhD student
Nelson Martins, Visiting Researcher
Visiting Researcher
Ricardo Amorim, Junior Researcher
Junior Researcher
Sara Pereira, Project Manager
Project Manager
Silvana Lobo, PhD Student
PhD student
Research Fellowship (MSc)

PI (running)

PI (closed)
First Author
E-cadherin alterations in hereditary disorders with emphasis on hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. Progress in molecular biology and translational science 116: 337-59, 2013. [Review; Book Chapter] 
3. Oliveira C, Seruca R, Hoogerbrugge N, Ligtenberg M, Carneiro F
Clinical utility gene card for: Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC). European journal of human genetics : EJHG 21: ., 2013. [Editorial Material] 
4. Oliveira C, Senz J, Kaurah P, Pinheiro H, Sanges R, Haegert A, Corso G, Schouten J, Fitzgerald R, Vogelsang H, Keller G, Dwerryhouse S, Grimmer D, Chin SF, Yang HK, Jackson CE, Seruca R, Roviello F, Stupka E, Caldas C, Huntsman D
Germline CDH1 deletions in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer families. Human molecular genetics 18: 1545-55, 2009. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddp046 PMID: 19168852.
5. Oliveira C, Sousa S, Pinheiro H, Karam R, Bordeira-Carriço R, Senz J, Kaurah P, Carvalho J, Pereira R, Gusmão L, Wen X, Cipriano MA, Yokota J, Carneiro F, Huntsman D, Seruca R
6. Oliveira C, Seruca R, Carneiro F
Hereditary gastric cancer. Best practice & research. Clinical gastroenterology 23: 147-57, 2009. [Article] 
7. Oliveira C, Velho S, Moutinho C, Ferreira A, Preto A, Domingo E, Capelinha AF, Duval A, Hamelin R, Machado JC, Schwartz S, Carneiro F, Seruca R
8. Oliveira C, Seruca R, Carneiro F
Genetics, pathology, and clinics of familial gastric cancer. International journal of surgical pathology 14: 21-33, 2006. [Review] 
 PMID: 16501831.
9. Oliveira C, Velho S, Domingo E, Preto A, Hofstra RM, Hamelin R, Yamamoto H, Seruca R, Schwartz S
10. Oliveira C, Moreira H, Seruca R, de Oliveira MC, Carneiro F
Role of pathology in the identification of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer: report of a Portuguese family. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 446: 181-4, 2005. [Article] 
11. Oliveira C, Westra JL, Arango D, Ollikainen M, Domingo E, Ferreira A, Velho S, Niessen R, Lagerstedt K, Alhopuro P, Laiho P, Veiga I, Teixeira MR, Ligtenberg M, Kleibeuker JH, Sijmons RH, Plukker JT, Imai K, Lage P, Hamelin R, Albuquerque C, Schwartz S, Lindblom A, Peltomaki P, Yamamoto H, Aaltonen LA, Seruca R, Hofstra RM
 doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddh238 PMID: 15294875.
12. Oliveira C, de Bruin J, Nabais S, Ligtenberg M, Moutinho C, Nagengast FM, Seruca R, van Krieken H, Carneiro F
13. Oliveira C, Ferreira P, Nabais S, Campos L, Ferreira A, Cirnes L, Alves CC, Veiga I, Fragoso M, Regateiro F, Dias LM, Moreira H, Suriano G, Machado JC, Lopes C, Castedo S, Carneiro F, Seruca R
14. Oliveira C, Suriano G, Ferreira P, Canedo P, Kaurah P, Mateus R, Ferreira A, Ferreira AC, Oliveira MJ, Figueiredo C, Carneiro F, Keller G, Huntsman D, Machado JC, Seruca R
Genetic screening for familial gastric cancer. Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice 2: 51-64, 2004. [] 
15. Oliveira C, Pinto M, Duval A, Brennetot C, Domingo E, Espín E, Armengol M, Yamamoto H, Hamelin R, Seruca R, Schwartz S
16. Oliveira C, Seruca R, Caldas C
Genetic screening for hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. Expert review of molecular diagnostics 3: 201-15, 2003. [Review] 
17. Oliveira C, Bordin MC, Grehan N, Huntsman D, Suriano G, Machado JC, Kiviluoto T, Aaltonen L, Jackson CE, Seruca R, Caldas C
 doi: 10.1002/humu.10068 PMID: 11968083.
18. Oliveira C, Seruca R, Seixas M, Sobrinho-Simões M
 PMID: 9777952.
Senior Author
2. Pereira C, Park JH, Campelos S, Gullo I, Lemos C, Solorzano L, Martins D, Gonçalves G, Leitão D, Lee HJ, Kong SH, André A, Borges C, Almeida D, Wälbhy C, Almeida R, Kim WH, Carneiro F, Yang HK, Almeida GM, Oliveira C
 doi: 10.1002/ijc.33872 PMID: 34751446.
3. Santos M, Ferreira M, Oliveira P, Mendes N, André A, Vieira AF, Nunes JB, Carvalho J, Rocha S, Azevedo M, Ferreira D, Reis I, Vinagre J, Paredes J, Heravi-Moussavi A, Lima J, Máximo V, Burleigh A, Roskelley C, Carneiro F, Huntsman D, Oliveira C
4. Matalonga L, Hernández-Ferrer C, Piscia D, Solve-RD SNV-indel working group D, Schüle R, Synofzik M, Töpf A, Vissers LELM, de Voer R, Solve-RD DITF-GENTURIS R, Solve-RD DITF-ITHACA R, Solve-RD DITF-euroNMD R, Solve-RD DITF-RND R, Tonda R, Laurie S, Fernandez-Callejo M, Picó D, Garcia-Linares C, Papakonstantinou A, Corvó A, Joshi R, Diez H, Gut I, Hoischen A, Graessner H, Beltran S, Solve-RD Consortia S
Solving patients with rare diseases through programmatic reanalysis of genome-phenome data. European journal of human genetics : EJHG 29: 1337-1347, 2021. [Article] 
6. Lobo S, Benusiglio PR, Coulet F, Boussemart L, Golmard L, Spier I, Hüneburg R, Aretz S, Colas C, Oliveira C
Cancer predisposition and germline CTNNA1 variants. European journal of medical genetics 64: 104316, 2021. [Article] 
7. Carvalho J, Oliveira P, Senz J, São José C, Hansford S, Teles SP, Ferreira M, Corso G, Pinheiro H, Lemos D, Pascale V, Roviello F, Huntsman D, Oliveira C
Redefinition of familial intestinal gastric cancer: clinical and genetic perspectives. Journal of medical genetics 58: 1-11, 2021. [Article] 
8. Rocha S, Basto AP, Ijsselsteijn ME, Teles SP, Azevedo MM, Gonçalves G, Gullo I, Almeida GM, Maqueda JJ, Oliveira MI, Carneiro F, Barata JT, Graça L, de Miranda NFCC, Carvalho J, Oliveira C
9. Barbosa-Matos R, Leal Silva R, Garrido L, Aguiar AC, Garcia-Pelaez J, André A, Seixas S, Sousa SP, Ferro L, Vilarinho L, Gullo I, Devezas V, Oliveira R, Fernandes S, Costa SC, Magalhães A, Baptista M, Carneiro F, Pinheiro H, Castedo S, Oliveira C
10. Almeida GM, Pereira C, Park JH, Lemos C, Campelos S, Gullo I, Martins D, Gonçalves G, Leitão D, Neto JL, André A, Borges C, Almeida D, Lee HJ, Kong SH, Kim WH, Carneiro F, Almeida R, Yang HK, Oliveira C
11. Pereira C, Ferreira D, Mendes N, Granja PL, Almeida GM, Oliveira C
12. Lobo S, Pereira C, Almeida GM, Oliveira C
13. Jose CS, Monteiro AR, Andre A, Qamra A, Acuna-Hidalgo R, Tan P, Mundlos S, Oliveira C
CDH1 regulatory noncoding elements: a hidden master for tissue-specific E-cadherin expression European journal of human genetics : EJHG 28: 73-74, 2020. [Meeting Abstract] 
14. Garcia-Pelaez J, Monteiro R, Sousa L, Pinheiro H, Castedo S, Garrido L, Teixeira M, Michils G, Bours V, de Putter R, Golmard L, Blanluet M, Colas C, Benusiglio P, Aretz S, Spier I, Huneburg R, Gieldon L, Schrock E, Holinski-Feder E, Steinke V, Calistri D, Tedaldi G, Ranzani G, Genuardi M, Silveira C, Silva I, Krajc M, Blatnik A, Novakovic S, Patino-Garcia A, Soto J, Lazaro C, Capella G, Brunet-Vidal J, Balmana J, Dominguez-Garrido E, Ligtenberg M, Fewings E, Fitzgerald R, Woodward E, Evans G, Hanson H, Lagerstedt-Robinson K, Bajalica-Lagercrantz S, Egas C, Martinez-Bouzas C, Dahan K, Feret D, Hoogerbrugge N, Tischkowitz M, Oliveira C
The first genotype-phenotype study on European carriers of CDH1 germline mutations European journal of human genetics : EJHG 28: 61-63, 2020. [Meeting Abstract] 
15. Celina SJ, Ana MR, Aditi Q, Acuna-Hidalgo R, Patrick T, Mundlos S, Carla O
The role of CDH1 regulatory noncoding elements for E-cadherin expression Medicine 99: -, 2020. [Meeting Abstract] 
16. Garcia-Pelaez J, Monteiro AR, Sousa L, Pinheiro H, Castedo S, Garrido L, Teixeira M, Michils G, Bours V, de Putter R, Golmard L, Blanluet M, Colas C, Benusiglio P, Aretz S, Spier I, Huneburg R, Gieldon L, Schrock E, Holinski-Feder E, Steinke V, Calistri D, Tedaldi G, Ranzani GN, Genuardi M, Silveira C, Silva I, Krajc M, Blatnik A, Novakovic S, Patino-Garcia A, Soto JL, Lazaro C, Capella G, Brunet-Vidal J, Balmana J, Dominguez-Garrido E, Ligtenberg M, Fewings E, Fitzgerald RC, Woodward ER, Evans G, Hanson H, Lagerstedt-Robinson K, Bajalica-Lagercrantz S, Egas C, Tejada MI, Martinez-Bouzas C, Merino S, Carrera S, Garcia-Bercina M, Dahan K, Feret D, Hoogerbrugge N, Tischkowitz M, Oliveira C
17. Garrido L, Sousa L, Nercio T, Castro L, Leal R, Costa S, Magalhaes A, Pereira AF, Guimaraes R, Ferro L, Vilarinho L, Gullo I, Pinheiro H, Sousa S, Neto AP, Capela L, Caeiro C, Augusto I, Almeida D, Pinto G, Teixeira C, Devezas V, Macedo G, Fougo JL, Preto J, Barbosa J, Costa-Maia J, Baptista M, Fernandes S, Carneiro F, Castedo S, Oliveira C
A cost-effective model for the pathway of care of CDH1-related hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome (HDGC) European journal of human genetics : EJHG 28: 624-625, 2020. [Meeting Abstract] 
18. Pereira C, Ferreira M, Oliveira P, Carneiro F, Almeida GM, Oliveira C
19. Rocha S, Teles SP, Azevedo M, Oliveira P, Carvalho J, Oliveira C
20. Garrido L, Nercio T, Leal R, Guimaraes R, Ferro L, Vilarinho L, Costa S, Magalhaes A, Mesquita AS, Pereira AF, Gullo I, Pinheiro H, Sousa S, Carvalho B, Neto AP, Capela L, Teixeira C, Fareleira A, Devezas V, Macedo G, Preto J, Barbosa J, Baptista M, Pinto G, Damasceno M, Fougo JL, Costa-Maia J, Fernandes S, Carneiro F, Castedo S, Oliveira C
Genetic counselling in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer: economical and psycho-social impact European journal of human genetics : EJHG 27: 673-674, 2019. [Meeting Abstract] 
21. Jose CS, Ferro A, Oliveira P, Carvalho J, Pinheiro H, Huntsman D, Acuna-Hidalgo R, Mundlos S, Oliveira C
CDH1 intronic Cis-Regulatory Elements control CDH1 gene tissue-specific expression European journal of human genetics : EJHG 27: 1609-1610, 2019. [Meeting Abstract] 
22. Garrido L, Leal R, Aguiar A, Seixas S, Ferro L, Vilarinho L, Gullo I, Devezas V, Oliveira R, Fernandes S, Magalhaes A, Baptista M, Carneiro F, Castedo S, Oliveira C
The first CDH1 founder mutation in Portugal: Risk assessment and clinical management European journal of human genetics : EJHG 27: 1787-1787, 2019. [Meeting Abstract] 
23. Matos R, Mesquita B, Oliveira P, Valente S, Pinheiro H, Carvalho J, Ferro A, Huntsman D, oliveira C
24. Lemos D, Oliveira P, Carvalho J, Jose CS, Oliveira C
Annotator: a novel custom tool for genomic variants annotation and classification European journal of human genetics : EJHG 27: 1033-1033, 2019. [Meeting Abstract] 
25. Pelaez JG, Monteiro A, Sousa L, Castedo S, Michils G, Bours V, de Putter R, Golmard L, Blanluet M, Colas C, Benusiglio P, Aretz S, Spier I, Huneburg R, Gieldon L, Schrock E, Holinski-Feder E, Steinke V, Calistri D, Tedaldi G, Nadia-Ranzani G, Genuardi M, Silveira C, Krajc M, Blatnik A, Novakovic S, Patino-Garcia A, Soto J, Lazaro C, Capella G, Brunet-Vidal J, Balmana J, Dominguez-Garrido E, Ligtenberg M, Fewings E, Fitzgerald R, Woodward E, Evans G, Hanson H, Lagerstedt-Robinson K, Bajalica-Lagercrantz S, Teixeira M, Hoogerbrugge N, Tischkowitz M, Oliveira C
European Landscape of CDH1 germline mutations: a new tool to understand hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC) European journal of human genetics : EJHG 27: 1126-1128, 2019. [Meeting Abstract] 
26. Barbosa-Matos R, Ferro A, Oliveira P, Mesquita B, Andre A, Pinheiro H, Carvalho J, Senz J, Kaurah P, Bordeira-Carrico R, Bessa J, Huntsman D, Oliveira C
Structural variations at CDH1 intronic cis-regulatory elements cause CDH1/E-cadherin loss of function European journal of human genetics : EJHG 27: 1131-1132, 2019. [Meeting Abstract] 
27. Lopes-De-Almeida M, Garrido L, Oliveira JP, Castedo S, Oliveira C
28. Garrido L, Nercio T, Leal R, Guimaraes R, Ferro L, Vilarinho L, Costa S, Magalhaes A, Mesquita AS, Pereira AF, Gullo I, Pinheiro H, Sousa S, Carvalho B, Neto AP, Capela L, Teixeira C, Fareleira A, Devezas V, Macedo G, Preto J, Barbosa J, Baptista M, Pinto G, Damasceno M, Fougo JL, Costa-Maia J, Fernandes S, Carneiro F, Castedo S, Oliveira C
Genetic counselling in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer: economical and psycho-social impact European journal of human genetics : EJHG 27:  864-864, 2019. [Meeting Abstract] 
29. Korsak B, Almeida GM, Rocha S, Pereira C, Mendes N, Osório H, Pereira PMR, Rodrigues JMM, Schneider RJ, Sarmento B, Tomé JPC, Oliveira C
Porphyrin modified trastuzumab improves efficacy of HER2 targeted photodynamic therapy of gastric cancer. International journal of cancer 141: 1478-1489, 2017. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1002/ijc.30844 PMID: 28639285.
30. Oliveira P, Carvalho J, Rocha S, Azevedo M, Reis I, Camilo V, Sousa B, Valente S, Paredes J, Almeida R, Huntsman D, Oliveira C
 doi: 10.1038/srep34860 PMID: 27721458.
31. Queirós P, Pinheiro H, Carvalho J, Oliveira P, Gullo I, Carneiro F, Almeida GM, Oliveira C
KRAS mutations in microsatellite instable gastric tumours: impact of targeted treatment and intratumoural heterogeneity. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 467: 383-92, 2015. [Article] 
Hereditary cancer risk assessment: challenges for the next-gen sequencing era. Frontiers in oncology 5: 62, 2015. [Editorial Material] 
33. Carvalho J, Oliveira C
Extracellular Vesicles - Powerful Markers of Cancer EVolution. Frontiers in immunology 5: 685, 2014. [Editorial Material] 
34. Bordeira-Carriço R, Ferreira D, Mateus DD, Pinheiro H, Pêgo AP, Santos MA, Oliveira C
Rescue of wild-type E-cadherin expression from nonsense-mutated cancer cells by a suppressor-tRNA. European journal of human genetics : EJHG 22: 1085-92, 2014. [Article] 
35. Corso G, Carvalho J, Marrelli D, Vindigni C, Carvalho B, Seruca R, Roviello F, Oliveira C
Somatic mutations and deletions of the e-cadherin gene predict poor survival of patients with gastric cancer. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 31: 868-75, 2013. [Article] 
36. Carvalho J, van Grieken NC, Pereira PM, Sousa S, Tijssen M, Buffart TE, Diosdado B, Grabsch H, Santos MA, Meijer G, Seruca R, Carvalho B, Oliveira C
 doi: 10.1002/path.4032 PMID: 22450781.
37. Pinho SS, Oliveira P, Cabral J, Carvalho S, Huntsman D, Gärtner F, Seruca R, Reis CA, Oliveira C
38. Bordeira-Carriço R, Pêgo AP, Santos M, Oliveira C
Cancer syndromes and therapy by stop-codon readthrough. Trends in molecular medicine 18: 667-78, 2012. [Review] 
39. Pinheiro H, Carvalho J, Oliveira P, Ferreira D, Pinto MT, Osório H, Licastro D, Bordeira-Carriço R, Jordan P, Lazarevic D, Sanges R, Stupka E, Huntsman D, Seruca R, Oliveira C
 doi: 10.1093/hmg/dds248 PMID: 22752307.
40. Fitzgerald RC, Hardwick R, Huntsman D, Carneiro F, Guilford P, Blair V, Chung DC, Norton J, Ragunath K, Van Krieken JH, Dwerryhouse S, Caldas C, Linkage Consortium International Gastric Cancer
41. Pinheiro H, Bordeira-Carriço R, Seixas S, Carvalho J, Senz J, Oliveira P, Inácio P, Gusmão L, Rocha J, Huntsman D, Seruca R, Oliveira C
Allele-specific CDH1 downregulation and hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. Human molecular genetics 19: 943-52, 2010. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddp537. PMID: 19965908.
42. Karam R, Carvalho J, Bruno I, Graziadio C, Senz J, Huntsman D, Carneiro F, Seruca R, Wilkinson MF, Oliveira C
 doi: 10.1038/onc.2008.62 PMID: 18427545.
Different types of epithelial cadherin alterations play different roles in human carcinogenesis. Advances in anatomic pathology 9: 329-37, 2002. [Article] 
 PMID: 12409641.
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