Manuel Sobrinho-Simões
Name: Manuel Sobrinho-Simões
Academic Degree: Phd, MD, Agg

Manuel Sobrinho-Simões
Manuel Sobrinho-Simões
Member of
Coordinator of Ipatimup Diagnostics

Short CV


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First Author
1. Sobrinho-Simões M, Eloy C, Amendoeira I, Soares P, Caneiro-Gómez J, Melo M, Cameselle-Teijeiro JM
Introduction Rare Tumors of the Thyroid Gland: Diagnosis and WHO Classification  1-4, 2017. [] 
2. Sobrinho-Simões M, Eloy C, Magalhães J, Lobo C, Amaro T
Follicular thyroid carcinoma. Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc 24 Suppl 2: S10-8, 2011. [Article] 
Hot topics in papillary thyroid carcinoma. International journal of surgical pathology 18: 190S-193S, 2010. [Article; Proceedings Paper] 
4. Sobrinho-Simões M, Máximo V, Rocha AS, Trovisco V, Castro P, Preto A, Lima J, Soares P
Intragenic mutations in thyroid cancer. Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America 37: 333-62, viii, 2008. [Review] 
Warthin's tumour. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 448: 877-8, 2006. [Letter] 
6. Sobrinho-Simões M, Máximo V, Castro IV, Fonseca E, Soares P, Garcia-Rostan G, Oliveira MC
Hürthle (oncocytic) cell tumors of thyroid: etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and clinical significance. International journal of surgical pathology 13: 29-35, 2005. [Review] 
 PMID: 15735852.
Molecular pathology of well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 447: 787-93, 2005. [Review] 
 PMID: 15861529.
 PMID: 12075405.
Different types of epithelial cadherin alterations play different roles in human carcinogenesis. Advances in anatomic pathology 9: 329-37, 2002. [Article] 
 PMID: 12409641.
Difficult cases of thyroid pathology. Endocrine pathology 13: 369-70; author reply 371, 2002. [Letter] 
 PMID: 12665655.
Hail to the histologic grading of papillary thyroid carcinoma? Cancer 88: 1766-8, 2000. [Editorial Material] 
 PMID: 10760750.
13. Sobrinho Simões M, Ribeiro P
Venous invasion as a prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 33: 729-729, 1997. [Meeting Abstract] 
 PMID: 8826873.
Mixed medullary and follicular carcinoma of the thyroid. Histopathology 23: 287-9, 1993. [Note] 
 PMID: 8225250.
Senior Author
Digital Pathology Workflow Implementation at IPATIMUP. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) 11: ., 2021. [Article] 
3. Correia M, Lima AR, Batista R, Máximo V, Sobrinho-Simões M
Inherited Thyroid Tumors With Oncocytic Change. Frontiers in endocrinology 12: 691979, 2021. [Review] 
4. Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Eloy C, Sobrinho-Simões M
5. Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Sobrinho-Simões M
Cribriform-morular variant of thyroid carcinoma. Pathologica 111: 1-3, 2019. [Editorial Material] 
 doi: 10.1530/ERC-17-0513 PMID: 29439059.
7. Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Sobrinho-Simões M
New WHO classification of thyroid tumors: a pragmatic categorization of thyroid gland neoplasms. Endocrinologia, diabetes y nutricion 65: 133-135, 2018. [Editorial Material] 
8. Gullo I, Batista R, Rodrigues-Pereira P, Soares P, Barroca H, do Bom-Sucesso M, Sobrinho-Simões M
 doi: 10.1093/ajcp/aqy004 PMID: 29538609.
9. Canberk S, Pereira L, Batista R, Soares P, Maximo V, Simoes MS
10. Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Rodríguez-Pérez I, Celestino R, Eloy C, Piso-Neira M, Abdulkader-Nallib I, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
11. Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Eloy C, Amendoeira I, Soares P, Caneiro-Gómez J, Melo M, Sobrinho-Simões M
Other Rare Tumours and Tumour-Like Lesions Rare Tumors of the Thyroid Gland: Diagnosis and WHO Classification  79-105, 2017. [] 
12. Melo M, Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Eloy C, Amendoeira I, Soares P, Caneiro-Gómez J, Sobrinho-Simões M
Therapeutic options Rare Tumors of the Thyroid Gland: Diagnosis and WHO Classification  107-110, 2017. [] 
13. Eloy C, Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Amendoeira I, Soares P, Caneiro-Gómez J, Melo M, Sobrinho-Simões M
Small cell tumours Rare Tumors of the Thyroid Gland: Diagnosis and WHO Classification  45-56, 2017. [] 
14. Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Eloy C, Amendoeira I, Soares P, Caneiro-Gómez J, Melo M, Sobrinho-Simões M
Rare papillary thyroid carcinomas Rare Tumors of the Thyroid Gland: Diagnosis and WHO Classification  5-25, 2017. [] 
15. Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Eloy C, Amendoeira I, Soares P, Carneiro-Gómez J, Melo M, Sobrinho-Simões M
Rare familial tumours Rare Tumors of the Thyroid Gland: Diagnosis and WHO Classification  57-77, 2017. [] 
Thyroid and parathyroid glands Pathology of the Head and Neck  613-671, 2017. [] 
17. Tavares C, Melo M, Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
ENDOCRINE TUMOURS: Genetic predictors of thyroid cancer outcome. European journal of endocrinology 174: R117-26, 2016. [Review] 
 doi: 10.1530/EJE-15-0605 PMID: 26510840.
18. Ortiz S, Tortosa F, Sobrinho Simões M
An extraordinary case of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma metastasis in the thyroid. Endocrine pathology 26: 33-6, 2015. [Article] 
19. Eloy C, Ferreira L, Salgado C, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
Poorly Differentiated and Undifferentiated Thyroid Carcinomas. Tu¨rk patoloji dergisi 31 Suppl 1: 48-59, 2015. [Article] 
Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma: How to Diagnose and Manage this Epidemic? International journal of surgical pathology 22: 113-9, 2014. [Article] 
Prognostic biomarkers in thyroid cancer. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 464: 333-46, 2014. [Review] 
Oncocytic lesions of the thyroid, kidney, salivary glands, adrenal cortex, and parathyroid glands. International journal of surgical pathology 22: 33-6, 2014. [Review] 
23. Eloy C, Oliveira M, Vieira J, Teixeira MR, Cruz J, Sobrinho-Simões M
Carcinoma of the thyroid with ewing family tumor elements and favorable prognosis: report of a second case. International journal of surgical pathology 22: 260-5, 2014. [Article] 
24. Nakazawa T, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Vinagre J, Soares P, Rousseau E, Eloy C, Sobrinho-Simões M
25. Eloy C, Cruz J, Vieira J, Teixeira MR, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Sobrinho-Simões M
Carcinoma of the Thyroid With Ewing/PNET Family Tumor Elements: A Tumor of Unknown Histogenesis. International journal of surgical pathology 22: 579-81, 2014. [Letter] 
26. Eloy C, Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Rousseau E, Sobrinho-Simões M
Small cell tumors of the thyroid gland: a review. International journal of surgical pathology 22: 197-201, 2014. [Review] 
27. Barroca H, Souto Moura C, Lopes JM, Lisboa S, Teixeira MR, Damasceno M, Bastos P, Sobrinho-Simões M
PNET with neuroendocrine differentiation of the lung: Report of an unusual entity. International journal of surgical pathology 22: 427-33, 2014. [Article] 
28. Nakazawa T, Celestino R, Machado JC, Cameselle-Teijeiro JM, Vinagre J, Eloy C, Benserai F, Lameche S, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
Cribriform-morular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma displaying poorly differentiated features. International journal of surgical pathology 21: 379-89, 2013. [Article] 
29. Bialas M, Okon K, Dyduch G, Ciesielska-Milian K, Buziak M, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Sobrinho-Simoes M
Neuroendocrine markers and sustentacular cell count in benign and malignant pheochromocytomas - a comparative study. Polish journal of pathology : official journal of the Polish Society of Pathologists 64: 129-35, 2013. [Article] 
 PMID: 23900871.
30. Vilallonga R, Zafon C, Ruiz-Marcellan C, Obiols G, Fort JM, Baena JA, Villanueva B, Garcia A, Sobrinho-Simões M
Malignant thyroid teratoma: report of an aggressive tumor in a 64-year-old man. Endocrine pathology 24: 132-5, 2013. [Article] 
The biology and the genetics of Hurthle cell tumors of the thyroid. Endocrine-related cancer 19: R131-47, 2012. [Review] 
 doi: 10.1530/ERC-11-0354 PMID: 22514109.
32. Eloy C, Santos J, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
TGF-beta/Smad pathway and BRAF mutation play different roles in circumscribed and infiltrative papillary thyroid carcinoma. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 460: 587-600, 2012. [Article] 
33. Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Caramés-Díaz N, Eloy C, Sobrinho-Simões M
C-cell hyperplasia and papillary thyroid carcinoma. International journal of surgical pathology 20: 643-4, 2012. [Letter] 
34. Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Ferreira R, Caramés N, Abdulkader I, Máximo V, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
Absence of the BRAF and the GRIM-19 Mutations in Oncocytic (Hurthle Cell) Solid Cell Nests of the Thyroid. American journal of clinical pathology 137: 612-8, 2012. [Article] 
35. Soares P, Lima J, Preto A, Castro P, Vinagre J, Celestino R, Couto JP, Prazeres H, Eloy C, Máximo V, Sobrinho-Simões M
37. Cruz J, Eloy C, Aragüés JM, Vinagre J, Sobrinho-Simões M
Small-cell (basaloid) thyroid carcinoma: a neoplasm with a solid cell nest histogenesis? International journal of surgical pathology 19: 620-6, 2011. [Article] 
Cancer: Small papillary thyroid cancers--is BRAF of prognostic value? Nature reviews. Endocrinology 7: 9-10, 2011. [Editorial Material] 
39. Boaventura P, Soares P, Pereira D, Teixeira-Gomes J, Sobrinho-Simões M
Head and neck lesions in a cohort irradiated in childhood for tinea capitis treatment. The Lancet infectious diseases 11: 163-4, 2011. [Letter] 
40. Eloy C, Vinagre J, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Paiva ME, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
Tumor-in-tumor of the thyroid with basaloid differentiation: a lesion with a solid cell nest neoplastic component? International journal of surgical pathology 19: 276-80, 2011. [Article] 
Mitochondria and cancer. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 454: 481-95, 2009. [Review] 
43. Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Menasce LP, Yap BK, Colaco RJ, Castro P, Celestino R, Ruíz-Ponte C, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
44. Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Abdulkader I, Pérez-Becerra R, Vázquez-Boquete A, Alberte-Lista L, Ruiz-Ponte C, Forteza J, Sobrinho-Simões M
45. Preto A, Gonçalves J, Rebocho AP, Figueiredo J, Meireles AM, Rocha AS, Vasconcelos HM, Seca H, Seruca R, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
47. Celestino R, Magalhães J, Castro P, Triller M, Vinagre J, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
Is BRAF mutation screening useful for preoperative risk stratification in papillary thyroid cancer? Future oncology (London, England) 5: 1225-9, 2009. [Article] 
 doi: 10.2217/fon.09.81 PMID: 19852736.
49. Trovisco V, Couto JP, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, de Castro IV, Fonseca E, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
50. Máximo V, Lima J, Soares P, Silva A, Bento I, Sobrinho-Simões M
GRIM-19 in Health and Disease. Advances in anatomic pathology 15: 46-53, 2008. [Editorial Material] 
51. Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Pardal F, Eloy C, Ruiz-Ponte C, Celestino R, Castro P, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
Follicular thyroid carcinoma with an unusual glomeruloid pattern of growth. Human pathology 39: 1540-7, 2008. [Article] 
52. Meireles AM, Preto A, Rocha AS, Rebocho AP, Máximo V, Pereira-Castro I, Moreira S, Feijão T, Botelho T, Marques R, Trovisco V, Cirnes L, Alves C, Velho S, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
Molecular and genotypic characterization of human thyroid follicular cell carcinoma-derived cell lines. Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association 17: 707-15, 2007. [Article] 
53. Trovisco V, Soares P, Preto A, Castro P, Máximo V, Sobrinho-Simões M
Molecular genetics of papillary thyroid carcinoma: great expectations. Arquivos brasileiros de endocrinologia e metabologia 51: 643-53, 2007. [Review] 
 PMID: 17891228.
55. Castro P, Vieira de Castro I, Rebocho AP, Soares RJ, Magalhães J, Roque L, Trovisco V, Cardoso-de-Oliveira M, Fonseca E, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
PAX8-PPARgamma rearrangement is frequently detected in the follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 91: 213-20, 2006. [Article] 
56. Trovisco V, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
57. Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Abdulkader I, Barreiro-Morandeira F, Ruiz-Ponte C, Reyes-Santías R, Chavez E, Sobrinho-Simões M
Breast tumor resembling the tall cell variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma: a case report. International journal of surgical pathology 14: 79-84, 2006. [Article] 
 PMID: 16501842.
58. Castro P, Soares P, Gusmão L, Seruca R, Sobrinho-Simões M
59. Rocha AS, Risberg B, Magalhães J, Trovisco V, de Castro IV, Lazarovici P, Soares P, Davidson B, Sobrinho-Simões M
60. Fonseca E, Soares P, Cardoso-Oliveira M, Sobrinho-Simões M
Diagnostic criteria in well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas. Endocrine pathology 17: 109-17, 2006. [Article] 
 PMID: 17159243.
61. Trovisco V, Soares P, Preto A, de Castro IV, Lima J, Castro P, Máximo V, Botelho T, Moreira S, Meireles AM, Magalhães J, Abrosimov A, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Sobrinho-Simões M
62. Máximo V, Botelho T, Capela J, Soares P, Lima J, Taveira A, Amaro T, Barbosa AP, Preto A, Harach HR, Williams D, Sobrinho-Simões M
63. Trovisco V, Soares P, Soares R, Magalhães J, Sá-Couto P, Sobrinho-Simões M
64. Castro P, Roque L, Magalhães J, Sobrinho-Simões M
A subset of the follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma harbors the PAX8-PPARgamma translocation. International journal of surgical pathology 13: 235-8, 2005. [Article] 
 PMID: 16086077.
65. Máximo V, Lima J, Soares P, Botelho T, Gomes L, Sobrinho-Simões M
66. Castro P, Eknaes M, Teixeira MR, Danielsen HE, Soares P, Lothe RA, Sobrinho-Simões M
 doi: 10.1002/path.1772 PMID: 15852498.
67. Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Abdulkader I, Soares P, Alfonsín-Barreiro N, Moldes-Boullosa J, Sobrinho-Simões M
68. Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Preto A, Soares P, Sobrinho-Simões M
A stem cell role for thyroid solid cell nests. Human pathology 36: 590-1, 2005. [Letter] 
69. Lima J, Trovisco V, Soares P, Máximo V, Magalhães J, Salvatore G, Santoro M, Bogdanova T, Tronko M, Abrosimov A, Jeremiah S, Thomas G, Williams D, Sobrinho-Simões M
 PMID: 15861529.
BRAF Mutations in thyroid carcinomas: phenotype-genotype correlations. Advances in anatomic pathology 12: 106-107, 2005. [] 
72. Trovisco V, Vieira de Castro I, Soares P, Máximo V, Silva P, Magalhães J, Abrosimov A, Guiu XM, Sobrinho-Simões M
BRAF mutations are associated with some histological types of papillary thyroid carcinoma. The Journal of pathology 202: 247-51, 2004. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1002/path.1511 PMID: 14743508.
73. Carneiro F, Huntsman DG, Smyrk TC, Owen DA, Seruca R, Pharoah P, Caldas C, Sobrinho-Simões M
 doi: 10.1002/path.1564 PMID: 15141383.
74. Lima J, Trovisco V, Soares P, Máximo V, Magalhães J, Salvatore G, Santoro M, Bogdanova T, Tronko M, Abrosimov A, Jeremiah S, Thomas G, Williams D, Sobrinho-Simões M
BRAF mutations are not a major event in post-Chernobyl childhood thyroid carcinomas. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 89: 4267-71, 2004. [Article] 
75. Soares P, Trovisco V, Rocha AS, Feijão T, Rebocho AP, Fonseca E, Vieira de Castro I, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Cardoso-Oliveira M, Sobrinho-Simões M
76. Preto A, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Moldes-Boullosa J, Soares P, Cameselle-Teijeiro JF, Silva P, Reis-Filho JS, Reyes-Santías RM, Alfonsín-Barreiro N, Forteza J, Sobrinho-Simões M
Telomerase expression and proliferative activity suggest a stem cell role for thyroid solid cell nests. Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc 17: 819-26, 2004. [Article] 
77. Woenckhaus C, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Ruiz-Ponte C, Abdulkader I, Reyes-Santías R, Sobrinho-Simões M
Spindle cell variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Histopathology 45: 424-7, 2004. [Letter] 
79. Magalhães J, Sobrinho-Simões M
Hyalinizing trabecular tumor of the thyroid displaying neuroendocrine differentiation. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 445: 98, 2004. [Letter] 
Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer: Lessons from histopathology. Advances in anatomic pathology 12: 151-152, 2004. [] 
81. Carneiro F, Huntsman DG, Smyrk T, Owen D, Seruca R, Pharoah P, Caldas C, Sobrinho-Simões M
Pathology of inherited gastric cancer. Pathol Internat 54: S285-S286, 2004. [] 
82. Soares P, Trovisco V, Rocha AS, Lima J, Castro P, Preto A, Máximo V, Botelho T, Seruca R, Sobrinho-Simões M
83. Machado JC, Figueiredo C, Canedo P, Pharoah P, Carvalho R, Nabais S, Castro Alves C, Campos ML, Van Doorn LJ, Caldas C, Seruca R, Carneiro F, Sobrinho-Simões M
 PMID: 12891537.
84. Reis-Filho JS, Preto A, Soares P, Ricardo S, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Sobrinho-Simões M
p63 expression in solid cell nests of the thyroid: further evidence for a stem cell origin. Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc 16: 43-8, 2003. [Article] 
85. Rocha AS, Soares P, Fonseca E, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Oliveira MC, Sobrinho-Simões M
 PMID: 12786894.
86. Nabais S, Machado JC, Lopes C, Seruca R, Carneiro F, Sobrinho-Simões M
Patterns of beta-catenin expression in gastric carcinoma: clinicopathological relevance and mutation analysis. International journal of surgical pathology 11: 1-9, 2003. [Article] 
 PMID: 12598910.
Germline succinate dehydrogenase subunit D mutation segregating with familial non-RET C cell hyperplasia. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 88: 4932-7, 2003. [Article] 
 PMID: 14557476.
88. Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Manuel Lopes J, Villanueva JP, Gil-Gil P, Sobrinho-Simões M
 PMID: 14511266.
Alterations of the SDHD gene locus in midgut carcinoids. Genes, chromosomes & cancer 36: 424, 2003. [Letter] 
 doi: 10.1002/gcc.10147 PMID: 12619155.
90. Lima J, Máximo V, Soares P, Williams D, Bogdanova T, Thomas GA, Sobrinho-Simões M
91. Carneiro F, Machado JC, Nabais S, Santos CM, Sobrinho Simões M
Mixed carcinoma of the stomach: a clinicopathological entity. Histopathology 43: 94-5, 2003. [Letter] 
 PMID: 12823718.
92. Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Sobrinho-Simões M
Carcinoma papilar de la glândula tireoide. Problemas en el diagnostico y controversias. Revista Española de Patologia 36: 373-382, 2003. [] 
Vascular invasion in thyroid and gastric carcinomas. Ultrastructural pathology 27: 41-8, 2003. [Article; Proceedings Paper] 
 PMID: 12554535.
 PMID: 15357248.
95. Figueiredo C, Machado JC, Pharoah P, Seruca R, Sousa S, Carvalho R, Capelinha AF, Quint W, Caldas C, van Doorn LJ, Carneiro F, Sobrinho-Simões M
 PMID: 12441323.
96. Máximo V, Soares P, Lima J, Cameselle-Teijeiro J, Sobrinho-Simões M
 PMID: 12000737.
97. Ivanova R, Soares P, Castro P, Sobrinho-Simões M
98. Silva E, Teixeira A, David L, Carneiro F, Reis CA, Sobrinho-Simões J, Serpa J, Veerman E, Bolscher J, Sobrinho-Simões M
Mucins as key molecules for the classification of intestinal metaplasia of the stomach. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 440: 311-7, 2002. [Article] 
99. Teixeira A, David L, Reis CA, Costa J, Sobrinho-Simões M
 doi: 10.1002/path.1083 PMID: 12081201.
100. Castro P, Fonseca E, Magalhães J, Sobrinho-Simões M
Follicular, papillary, and "hybrid" carcinomas of the thyroid. Endocrine pathology 13: 313-20, 2002. [Article] 
 PMID: 12665649.
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