Leonor Gusmão
Name: Leonor Gusmão
E-mail: lgusmao@ipatimup.pt
Academic Degree: Doctor of philosophy

Leonor Gusmão
Leonor Gusmão
Member of
Research Consultant of Population Genetics

Short CV
Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Porto (1997). He is currently Visiting Professor of UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro) and investigator Ipatimup (Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto; http://www.ipatimup.pt). Member of the executive committee of ISFG (International Society for Forensic Genetics; http://www.isfg.org), acting as treasurer. Associate Editor of the journal Forensic Science International: Genetics, Elsevier Science, London. ISSN: 1872-4973.

Population and forensic genetics

Supervisor of

PI (running)

PI (closed)
First Author
1. Eusebio N, Pinheiro T, Amorim AA, Gamboa F, Saraiva L, Gusmão L, Amorim A, Araujo R
2. Gusmão L, Sánchez-Diz P, Alves C, Gomes I, Zarrabeitia MT, Abovich M, Atmetlla I, Bobillo C, Bravo L, Builes J, Cainé L, Calvo R, Carvalho E, Carvalho M, Cicarelli R, Catelli L, Corach D, Espinoza M, García O, Malaghini M, Martins J, Pinheiro F, João Porto M, Raimondi E, Riancho JA, Rodríguez A, Rodríguez A, Rodríguez Cardozo B, Schneider V, Silva S, Tavares C, Toscanini U, Vullo C, Whittle M, Yurrebaso I, Carracedo A, Amorim A
3. Gusmão L, Butler JM, Carracedo A, Gill P, Kayser M, Mayr WR, Morling N, Prinz M, Roewer L, Tyler-Smith C, Schneider PM,
4. Gusmão L, Sánchez-Diz P, Calafell F, Martín P, Alonso CA, Alvarez-Fernández F, Alves C, Borjas-Fajardo L, Bozzo WR, Bravo ML, Builes JJ, Capilla J, Carvalho M, Castillo C, Catanesi CI, Corach D, Di Lonardo AM, Espinheira R, Fagundes de Carvalho E, Farfán MJ, Figueiredo HP, Gomes I, Lojo MM, Marino M, Pinheiro MF, Pontes ML, Prieto V, Ramos-Luis E, Riancho JA, Souza Góes AC, Santapa OA, Sumita DR, Vallejo G, Vidal Rioja L, Vide MC, Vieira da Silva CI, Whittle MR, Zabala W, Zarrabeitia MT, Alonso A, Carracedo A, Amorim A
Mutation rates at Y chromosome specific microsatellites. Human mutation 26: 520-8, 2005. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1002/humu.20254 PMID: 16220553.
5. Gusmão L, Alves C
Y chromosome STR typing. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 297: 67-82, 2005. [] 
 PMID: 15570101.
6. Gusmão L, Sánchez-Diz P, Alves C, Beleza S, Lopes A, Carracedo A, Amorim A
Grouping of Y-STR haplotypes discloses European geographic clines. Forensic science international 134: 172-9, 2003. [Article] 
 PMID: 12850414.
7. Gusmão L, Sánchez-Diz P, Alves C, Quintáns B, García-Poveda E, Geada H, Raimondi E, Silva de la Fuente SM, Vide MC, Whittle MR, Zarrabeitia MT, Carvalho M, Negreiros V, Prieto Solla L, Riancho JA, Campos-Sánchez R, Vieira-Silva C, Toscanini U, Amorim A, Carracedo A,
 PMID: 12927417.
8. Gusmão L, Krawczak M, Sánchez-Diz P, Alves C, Lopes A, Beleza S, Carracedo A, Amorim A
9. Gusmão L, González-Neira A, Alves C, Lareu M, Costa S, Amorim A, Carracedo A
Chimpanzee homologous of human Y specific STRs. A comparative study and a proposal for nomenclature. Forensic science international 126: 129-36, 2002. [Article] 
 PMID: 12084489.
10. Gusmão L, Alves C, Beleza S, Amorim A
Forensic evaluation and population data on the new Y-STRs DYS434, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439 and GATA A10. International journal of legal medicine 116: 139-47, 2002. [Article] 
11. Gusmão L, González-Neira A, Alves C, Sánchez-Diz P, Dauber EM, Amorim A, Carracedo A
Genetic diversity of Y-specific STRs in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). American journal of primatology 57: 21-9, 2002. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1002/ajp.1084 PMID: 11977123.
12. Gusmão L, Alves C, Costa S, Amorim A, Brion M, González-Neira A, Sánchez-Diz P, Carracedo A
Point mutations in the flanking regions of the Y-chromosome specific STRs DYS391, DYS437 and DYS438. International journal of legal medicine 116: 322-6, 2002. [Article] 
13. Gusmão L, Alves C, Amorim A
14. Gusmão L, Prata MJ, Sánchez-Diz P, Lareu MV, Carracedo A, Alves C, Martins N, Amorim A
STR data for the AmpFlSTR profiler plus loci from Macau (China). Forensic science international 123: 74-5, 2001. [Article] 
 PMID: 11731201.
15. Gusmão L, Prata MJ, Miranda C, de Jesus Trovoada M, Amorim A
STR data from S. Tomé e Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea, West Africa). Forensic science international 116: 53-4, 2001. [Article] 
 PMID: 11118753.
16. Gusmão L, González-Neira A, Sánchez-Diz P, Lareu MV, Amorim A, Carracedo A
Alternative primers for DYS391 typing: advantages of their application to forensic genetics. Forensic science international 112: 49-57, 2000. [Article] 
 PMID: 10882830.
17. Gusmão L, Sánchez-Diz P, Alves C, Lareu MV, Carracedo A, Amorim A
Genetic diversity of nine STRs in two northwest Iberian populations: Galicia and northern Portugal. International journal of legal medicine 114: 109-13, 2000. [Article] 
 PMID: 11197615.
18. Gusmão L, González-Neira A, Pestoni C, Brión M, Lareu MV, Carracedo A
Robustness of the Y STRs DYS19, DYS389 I and II, DYS390 and DYS393: optimization of a PCR pentaplex. Forensic science international 106: 163-72, 1999. [Article] 
 PMID: 10680065.
19. Gusmão L, Brion M, González-Neira A, Lareu M, Carracedo A
Y chromosome specific polymorphisms in forensic analysis. Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 1: 55-60, 1999. [] 
 PMID: 12935495.
Characterization of four short tandem repeat loci (THO1, VWA31/A, CD4, and TP53) in northern Portugal. Human biology; an international record of research 69: 31-40, 1997. [Article] 
 PMID: 9037893.
21. Gusmão L, Amorim A, Prata MJ, Pereira L, Lareu MV, Carracedo A
Failed PCR amplifications of MBP-STR alleles due to polymorphism in the primer annealing region. International journal of legal medicine 108: 313-5, 1996. [Article] 
 PMID: 8793639.
Senior Author
1. Jannuzzi J, Ribeiro J, Alho C, de Oliveira Lázaro E Arão G, Cicarelli R, Simões Dutra Corrêa H, Ferreira S, Fridman C, Gomes V, Loiola S, da Mota MF, Ribeiro-Dos-Santos Â, de Souza CA, de Sousa Azulay RS, Carvalho EF, Gusmão L
Male lineages in Brazilian populations and performance of haplogroup prediction tools. Forensic science international. Genetics 44: 102163, 2020. [Article] 
2. Pereira V, Santangelo R, Børsting C, Tvedebrink T, Almeida APF, Carvalho EF, Morling N, Gusmão L
3. Pinto N, Pereira V, Tomas C, Loiola S, Carvalho EF, Modesti N, Maxzud M, Marcucci V, Cano H, Cicarelli R, Januario B, Bento A, Brito P, Burgos G, Paz-Cruz E, Díez-Juárez L, Vannelli S, Pontes ML, Berardi G, Furfuro S, Fernandez A, Sumita D, Bobillo C, García MG, Gusmão L
Paternal and maternal mutations in X-STRs: A GHEP-ISFG collaborative study. Forensic science international. Genetics 46: 102258, 2020. [Article] 
4. Martínez B, Simão F, Gomes V, Nguidi M, Amorim A, Carvalho EF, Marrugo J, Gusmão L
Searching for the roots of the first free African American community. Scientific reports 10: 20634, 2020. [Article] 
5. Parolin ML, Toscanini UF, Velázquez IF, Llull C, Berardi GL, Holley A, Tamburrini C, Avena S, Carnese FR, Lanata JL, Sánchez Carnero N, Arce LF, Basso NG, Pereira R, Gusmão L
Genetic admixture patterns in Argentinian Patagonia. PloS one 14: e0214830, 2019. [Article] 
6. Pereira R, Alves C, Aler M, Amorim A, Arévalo C, Betancor E, Braganholi D, Bravo ML, Brito P, Builes JJ, Burgos G, Carvalho EF, Castillo A, Catanesi CI, Cicarelli RMB, Coufalova P, Dario P, D'Amato ME, Davison S, Ferragut J, Fondevila M, Furfuro S, García O, Gaviria A, Gomes I, González E, Gonzalez-Liñan A, Gross TE, Hernández A, Huang Q, Jiménez S, Jobim LF, López-Parra AM, Marino M, Marques S, Martínez-Cortés G, Masciovecchio V, Parra D, Penacino G, Pinheiro MF, Porto MJ, Posada Y, Restrepo C, Ribeiro T, Rubio L, Sala A, Santurtún A, Solís LS, Souto L, Streitemberger E, Torres A, Vilela-Lamego C, Yunis JJ, Yurrebaso I, Gusmão L
7. Jannuzzi J, Domingues P, Simão F, da Silva Chaves AC, de Carvalho EF, Gusmão L
Genetic characterization of Rio de Janeiro for different Y-STR sets. International journal of legal medicine 132: 1313-1315, 2018. [Article] 
8. Moysés CB, Tsutsumida WM, Raimann PE, da Motta CH, Nogueira TL, Dos Santos OC, de Figueiredo BB, Mishima TF, Cândido IM, de Oliveira Godinho NM, Beltrami LS, Lopes RK, Guidolin AF, Mantovani A, Dos Santos SM, de Souza CA, Gusmão L
9. Martinez B., Pereira R., Meza K., Hernandez L., Amorim A., Marrugo J., Gusmão L.
Ancestry estimates in afrodescendant population from San Basilio de Palenque, Colombia Forensic science international. Genetics Supplement Series 6: E224-E225, 2017. [Article] 
10. Antão-Sousa S, Sánchez-Diz P, Abovich M, Alvarez JC, Carvalho EF, Silva CMD, Domingues P, Farfán MJ, Gutierrez A, Pontes L, Porto MJ, Posada Y, Restrepo T, Rodenbusch R, Santapá OA, Schumacher S, Suárez D, Silva CV, Vullo C, Pinto N, Gusmão L
Mutation rates and segregation data on 16 Y-STRs: An update to previous GHEP-ISFG studies Forensic Sci Int: Genetics 6: e601–e602, 2017. [Article] 
11. Jannuzzi J., Alho C.S., Fridman C., Ferreira S.R.B., Braganholi D.F., Ambrosio I.B., Cicarelli R.M.B., Gomes V., Carvalho E.F., Gusmão L.
Genetic characterization of four Brazilian states with 25 Yfiler (R) Plus markers Forensic science international. Genetics Supplement Series 6: E82-E83, 2017. [Article] 
12. Ossa H, Aquino J, Pereira R, Ibarra A, Ossa RH, Pérez LA, Granda JD, Lattig MC, Groot H, Fagundes de Carvalho E, Gusmão L
Outlining the Ancestry Landscape of Colombian Admixed Populations. PloS one 11: e0164414, 2016. [Article] 
13. García O, Yurrebaso I, Mancisidor ID, López S, Alonso S, Gusmão L
Data for 27 Y-chromosome STR loci in the Basque Country autochthonous population. Forensic science international. Genetics 20: e10-2, 2016. [Letter] 
14. Miranda-Barros F, Romanini C, Peréz LA, Nhu ND, Phan TD, Carvalho EF, Vullo C, Gusmão L
Y Chromosome STR haplotypes in different ethnic groups of Vietnam. Forensic science international. Genetics 22: e18-20, 2016. [Letter] 
15. Vullo C, Gomes V, Romanini C, Oliveira AM, Rocabado O, Aquino J, Amorim A, Gusmão L
16. Ossa H, Aquino J, Sierra S, Ramirez A, Carvalho EF, Gusmao L
Analysis of admixture in Native American populations from Colombia Forensic science international. Genetics Supplement Series 5: E332-E334, 2015. [Article] 
17. Castillo A, Rueda K, Pico A, Gil A, Vargas C, Rondon F, Gusmao L
Comparing different population groups in Santander-Colombia through Y-STR haplotype analysis Forensic science international. Genetics Supplement Series 5: E482-E483, 2015. [Article] 
18. Aquino JG, Jannuzzi J, Carvalho EF, Gusmao L
Assessing the suitability of different sets of InDels in ancestry estimation Forensic science international. Genetics Supplement Series 5: E34-E36, 2015. [Article] 
19. Tineo DH, Loiola S, Paredes FV, Noli LR, Amaya YC, Simao F, Carvalho EF, Guamao L
Genetic characterization of 27 Y-STR loci in the native population of Ashaninka from Peru Forensic science international. Genetics Supplement Series 5: E220-E222, 2015. [Article] 
20. Builes JJ, Manrique A, Aguirre DP, Mendonza L, Bravo MLJ, Carmona V, Afanador CH, Salgar M, Lopez M, Gusmao L
Colombian results of the interlaboratory quality control exercise 2013-2014 Forensic science international. Genetics Supplement Series 5: E179-E180, 2015. [Article] 
21. Miranda-Barros F, Gorostiza A, Carvalho EF, Gonzalez-Martin A, Gusmao L
Y-STR haplotype background of Philippines: Comparison with other Southeast Asian populations Forensic science international. Genetics Supplement Series 5: E428-E429, 2015. [Article] 
22. Noguera MC, Schwegler A, Gomes V, Briceño I, Alvarez L, Uricoechea D, Amorim A, Benavides E, Silvera C, Charris M, Bernal JE, Gusmão L
23. Ibarra A, Freire-Aradas A, Martínez M, Fondevila M, Burgos G, Camacho M, Ostos H, Suarez Z, Carracedo A, Santos S, Gusmão L
24. Ibarra A, Restrepo T, Rojas W, Castillo A, Amorim A, Martínez B, Burgos G, Ostos H, Alvarez K, Camacho M, Suarez Z, Pereira R, Gusmão L
25. Oliveira AM, Domingues PM, Gomes V, Amorim A, Jannuzzi J, de Carvalho EF, Gusmão L
Male lineage strata of Brazilian population disclosed by the simultaneous analysis of STRs and SNPs. Forensic science international. Genetics 13: 264-8, 2014. [Article] 
26. Saloum de Neves Manta F, Pereira R, Vianna R, Rodolfo Beuttenmüller de Araújo A, Leite Góes Gitaí D, Aparecida da Silva D, de Vargas Wolfgramm E, da Mota Pontes I, Ivan Aguiar J, Ozório Moraes M, Fagundes de Carvalho E, Gusmão L
27. González M, Gomes V, López-Parra AM, Amorim A, Carracedo A, Sánchez-Diz P, Arroyo-Pardo E, Gusmão L
28. Gil A, Castillo A, Rodríguez F, Amorim A, Gusmão L
29. Ibarra A, Martinez M, Freire-Aradas A, Fondevila M, Carracedo A, Porras L, Gusmão L
30. Barletta C, Builles JJ, Bravo MLI, Aguirre D, Descailleaux J, Gusmão L
Genetic data of 10 X-STRs in a population sample from Lima, Perú Forensic science international. Genetics 4: e168-e169, 2013. [] 
31. Builes JJ, Ospino JM, Manrique A, Aguirre DP, Mendoza L, Bravo MLI, Pereira R, Gusmão L
32. Builes JJ, Castro JF, Velilla CM, Manrique A, Aguirre DP, Mendoza L, Bravo MLI, Gusmão L
Results of Colombian exercise interlaboratory quality control 2012 Forensic science international. Genetics 4: e158-e159, 2013. [] 
33. Birolo L, Amorim A, Alves C, Mesquita AGG, Gusmão L
Analysis of 15 autosomal STR loci in the population of the State of Acre, Brazilian Amazonia Forensic science international. Genetics 4: e11-e12, 2013. [] 
34. Pereira R, Phillips C, Pinto N, Santos C, Dos Santos SE, Amorim A, Carracedo A, Gusmão L
 PMID: 22272242.
35. Pereira R, Pereira V, Gomes I, Tomas C, Morling N, Amorim A, Prata MJ, Carracedo A, Gusmão L
A method for the analysis of 32 X chromosome insertion deletion polymorphisms in a single PCR. International journal of legal medicine 126: 97-105, 2012. [Article] 
36. Manta F, Caiafa A, Pereira R, Silva D, Amorim A, Carvalho EF, Gusmão L
37. Gomes C, Magalhães M, Alves C, Amorim A, Pinto N, Gusmão L
38. Araujo R, Amorim A, Gusmão L
39. Carvalho M, Brito P, Bento AM, Gomes V, Antunes H, Costa HA, Lopes V, Serra A, Balsa F, Andrade L, Anjos MJ, Corte-Real F, Gusmão L
Paternal and maternal lineages in Guinea-Bissau population. Forensic science international. Genetics 5: 114-6, 2011. [Article; Proceedings Paper] 
40. Nascimento E, Cerqueira E, Gusmão L
Population database defined by 13 autosomal STR loci in a representative sample from Bahia, Northeast Brazil. Forensic science international. Genetics 5: e38-40, 2011. [Letter] 
41. Gomes V, Sánchez-Diz P, Amorim A, Carracedo A, Gusmão L
Digging deeper into East African human Y chromosome lineages. Human genetics 127: 603-13, 2010. [Article] 
42. Nogueiro I, Manco L, Gomes V, Amorim A, Gusmão L
Phylogeographic analysis of paternal lineages in NE Portuguese Jewish communities. American journal of physical anthropology 141: 373-81, 2010. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1002/ajpa.21154 PMID: 19918998.
43. Pereira R, Phillips C, Alves C, Amorim A, Carracedo A, Gusmão L
44. Araujo R, Pina-Vaz C, Rodrigues AG, Amorim A, Gusmão L
Simple and highly discriminatory microsatellite-based multiplex PCR for Aspergillus fumigatus strain typing. Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 15: 260-6, 2009. [Article] 
45. Gomes I, Pereira V, Gomes V, Prata MJ, Pinto N, Carracedo A, Amorim A, Gusmão L
The Karimojong from Uganda: genetic characterization using an X-STR decaplex system. Forensic science international. Genetics 3: e127-8, 2009. [Article] 
46. Gomes V, Sánchez-Diz P, Alves C, Gomes I, Amorim A, Carracedo A, Gusmão L
47. Szibor R, Edelmann J, Hering S, Gomes I, Gusmão L
Nomenclature discrepancies in the HPRTB short tandem repeat. International journal of legal medicine 123: 185-6, 2009. [Letter] 
48. Gomes I, Prinz M, Pereira R, Bieschke E, Mayr WR, Amorim A, Carracedo A, Gusmão L
X-chromosome STR sequence variation, repeat structure, and nomenclature in humans and chimpanzees. International journal of legal medicine 123: 143-9, 2009. [Article] 
49. Gomes I, Pereira R, Mayr WR, Amorim A, Carracedo A, Gusmão L
50. Pico A, Castillo A, Vargas C, Amorim A, Gusmão L
Genetic profile characterization and segregation analysis of 10 X-STRs in a sample from Santander, Colombia. International journal of legal medicine 122: 347-51, 2008. [Article] 
51. Gomes I, Prinz M, Pereira R, Meyers C, Mikulasovich RS, Amorim A, Carracedo A, Gusmão L
Genetic analysis of three US population groups using an X-chromosomal STR decaplex. International journal of legal medicine 121: 198-203, 2007. [Article] 
52. Pereira R, Gomes I, Amorim A, Gusmão L
Genetic diversity of 10 X chromosome STRs in northern Portugal. International journal of legal medicine 121: 192-7, 2007. [Article] 
Population data for Y-chromosome haplotypes defined by 17 STRs (AmpFlSTR YFiler) in Portugal. Forensic science international 171: 250-5, 2007. [Article] 
54. Aler M, Sánchez-Diz P, Gomes I, Gisbert M, Carracedo A, Amorim A, Gusmão L
Genetic data of 10 X-STRs in a Spanish population sample. Forensic science international 173: 193-6, 2007. [Editorial Material] 
55. Gomes I, Alves C, Maxzud K, Pereira R, Prata MJ, Sánchez-Diz P, Carracedo A, Amorim A, Gusmão L
Analysis of 10 X-STRs in three African Populations. Forensic science international. Genetics 1: 208-211, 2007. [Article; Proceedings Paper] 
56. Silva DA, Carvalho E, Costa G, Tavares L, Amorim A, Gusmão L
Y-chromosome genetic variation in Rio de Janeiro population. American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council 18: 829-37, 2006. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1002/ajhb.20567 PMID: 17039481.
57. Mulero JJ, Budowle B, Butler JM, Gusmao L
58. Builes JJ, Bravo ML, Gómez C, Espinal C, Aguirre D, Gómez A, Rodríguez J, Castañeda P, Montoya A, Moreno M, Amorim A, Gusmão L
Y-chromosome STRs in an Antioquian (Colombia) population sample. Forensic science international 164: 79-86, 2006. [Article] 
59. de Souza Góes AC, de Carvalho EF, Gomes I, da Silva DA, Gil EH, Amorim A, Gusmão L
Population and mutation analysis of 17 Y-STR loci from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). International journal of legal medicine 119: 70-6, 2005. [Article] 
60. Diederiche M, Martín P, Amorim A, Corte-Real F, Gusmão L
A case of double alleles at three Y-STR loci: forensic implications. International journal of legal medicine 119: 223-5, 2005. [Article] 
61. Beleza S, Alves C, Reis F, Amorim A, Carracedo A, Gusmão L
17 STR data (AmpF/STR Identifiler and Powerplex 16 System) from Cabinda (Angola). Forensic science international 141: 193-6, 2004. [Editorial Material] 
62. Beleza S, Alves C, González-Neira A, Lareu M, Amorim A, Carracedo A, Gusmão L
Extending STR markers in Y chromosome haplotypes. International journal of legal medicine 117: 27-33, 2003. [Article] 
63. Amorim A, Alves C, Gusmão L
Somatic and germinal mutations in STRs. Progress in Forensic Genetics 8 8: 37-39, 2000. [Proceedings Paper] 
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