  Papers found: 3464  Pages: 1/347
Note: This data was collect using the ISI Web of Science database.
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1. Ruivo CF, Bastos N, Adem B, Batista I, Duraes C, Melo CA, Castaldo SA, Campos-Laborie F, Moutinho-Ribeiro P, Morão B, Costa-Pinto A, Silva S, Osorio H, Ciordia S, Costa JL, Goodrich D, Cavadas B, Pereira L, Kouzarides T, Macedo G, Maio R, Carneiro F, Cravo M, Kalluri R, Machado JC, Melo SA
2. Sousa C, Ferreira R, Azevedo NF, Oleastro M, Azeredo J, Figueiredo C, Melo LDR
Helicobacter pylori infection: from standard to alternative treatment strategies. Critical reviews in microbiology 48: 376-396, 2022. [Review] 
3. Nogueira-Rodrigues J, Leite SC, Pinto-Costa R, Sousa SC, Luz LL, Sintra MA, Oliveira R, Monteiro AC, Pinheiro GG, Vitorino M, Silva JA, Simão S, Fernandes VE, Provazník J, Benes V, Cruz CD, Safronov BV, Magalhães A, Reis CA, Vieira J, Vieira CP, Tiscórnia G, Araújo IM, Sousa MM
4. Diniz F, Coelho P, Duarte HO, Sarmento B, Reis CA, Gomes J
Glycans as Targets for Drug Delivery in Cancer. Cancers 14: ., 2022. [Review] 
5. Pereira F, Ferreira A, Reis CA, Sousa MJ, Oliveira MJ, Preto A
6. Miranda F, Prazeres H, Mendes F, Martins D, Schmitt F
7. Conceição F, Sousa DM, Loessberg-Zahl J, Vollertsen AR, Neto E, Søe K, Paredes J, Leferink A, Lamghari M
8. Abrantes R, Duarte HO, Gomes C, Wälchli S, Reis CA
CAR-Ts: new perspectives in cancer therapy. FEBS letters 596: 403-416, 2022. [Review] 
9. Morais M, Pinto DM, Machado JC, Carneiro S
ctDNA on liquid biopsy for predicting response and prognosis in locally advanced rectal cancer: A systematic review. European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology 48: 218-227, 2022. [Review] 
10. Chandra A, Schmitt F
 doi: 10.1002/dc.24864 PMID: 34499418.
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