Fátima Gärtner
Name: Fátima Gärtner
E-mail: fgartner@ipatimup.pt
Academic Degree: PhD, Agg

Fátima Gärtner
Fátima Gärtner
Member of

Short CV

Maria de Fátima Moutinho Gärtner has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Luanda in 1975. PhD in Pathology from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa in 1986. As a veterinarian was responsible for the Animal House facilities at the Medical School of the University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa from 1977 to 1981, and in 1981 she became a diplomat by the College of Veterinary Surgeons of South Africa and she got the position as joined staff of the Medical School and the Groot Schuur Hospital (academic health center) as the director of Animal House. In 1991 she got the position as junior researcher in IPATIMUP and Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto until 1995. She is currently a senior researcher at IPATIMUP and i3S in the group of "Glycobiology in cancer", as well as a member of the Animal Welfare and Ethics Review Body (ORBEA). Fátima Gärtner is specialized in Pathology, diplomate by the European College of Veterinary Pathology (ECVP), and Oncobiology with emphasis on canine and feline mammary and gastric carcinogenesis, as well a experimental oncology. Full Professor of Pathology at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto (ICBAS-UP) since 2006. She is director of the Department of Pathology and Molecular Immunology and of the doctoral program in Pathology and Molecular Genetics in ICBAS-UP since 2012. She supervised several doctoral and master students at University of Porto, as well as from foreign universities. She has collaboration with several universities, national and international research institutes. She is author and/or co-author of more than 200 papers published in international indexed journals, one national circulation book and several chapters of books with international circulation.

Our research work will focus on the dynamic interplay between galectins and their binding sites in a spontaneous model of canine mammary tumour progression and invasion. Thus we have a few lines of ongoing research such as:
A project funded by FCT and with title: ""The role of sialylation in modulating galectin-3 functions in the metastatic process"" which will involve a series of tasks such as:
1. Assessment of the involvement of down-regulation of sialyltransferases and a possible galectin-3 recognition of sialylated TAA in increased galectin-3-binding sites expression in invading cells of CMMT.
2. Study of the expression and activity of sialidases in CMMT and their possible modulatory role of galectin-3 functions in CMMT
3. Evaluation of the effects of the treatment of CMMT xenografted in nude mice with the sialidase inhibitor Tamiflu

Supervisor of
Nuno Mendes, Research Technician

PI (running)

PI (closed)
First Author
1. Gärtner F, Santos M, Gillette D, Schmitt F
Inflammatory pseudotumour of the spleen in a dog. The Veterinary record 150: 697-8, 2002. [Article] 
 PMID: 12074242.
2. Gärtner F, Geraldes M, Cassali G, Rema A, Schmitt F
Establishment and characterization of two cell lines derived from human diffuse gastric carcinomas xenografted in nude mice. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 428: 91-8, 1996. [Article] 
 PMID: 8925130.
Senior Author
1. Matos R, Sousa HS, Nogueiro J, Magalhães A, Reis CA, Carneiro F, Amorim I, Haesebrouck F, Gärtner F
Helicobacter species binding to the human gastric mucosa. Helicobacter 27: e12867, 2022. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1111/hel.12867 PMID: 34967491.
2. Matos R, Taillieu E, De Bruyckere S, De Witte C, Rêma A, Santos-Sousa H, Nogueiro J, Reis CA, Carneiro F, Haesebrouck F, Amorim I, Gärtner F
 doi: 10.3390/jpm12020181 PMID: 35207669.
3. Cortez Nunes F, Letra Mateus T, Teixeira S, Barradas P, de Witte C, Haesebrouck F, Amorim I, Gärtner F
Presence of Helicobacter pylori and H. suis DNA in Free-Range Wild Boars. Animals : an open access journal from MDPI 11: ., 2021. [Article] 
 doi: 10.3390/ani11051269 PMID: 33925029.
4. Lopes-Neto BE, Nunes-Pinheiro DSC, Carvalheira JGV, Schmitt F, Gartner MF
5. Amorim I, Faria F, Taulescu M, Taulescu C, Gärtner F
Nipple Hibernoma in a Dog: A Case Report With Literature Review. Frontiers in veterinary science 8: 627288, 2021. [Review] 
6. Vale N, Gouveia MJ, Gärtner F
7. Barradas PF, Mesquita JR, Lima C, Cardoso L, Alho AM, Ferreira P, Amorim I, de Sousa R, Gärtner F
Pathogenic Rickettsia in ticks of spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) sold in a Qatar live animal market. Transboundary and emerging diseases 67: 461-465, 2020. [Article] 
 doi: 10.1111/tbed.13375 PMID: 31574580.
8. Barradas PF, Mesquita JR, Ferreira P, Amorim I, Gärtner F
9. da Rocha AA, Carvalheira J, Gärtner F
10. Flores AR, Lobo J, Nunes F, Rêma A, Lopes P, Carvalho L, Bartosch C, Amorim I, Gärtner F
11. Amorim I, Taulescu MA, Day MJ, Catoi C, Reis CA, Carneiro F, Gärtner F
Canine Gastric Pathology: A Review. Journal of comparative pathology 154: 9-37, 2016. [Review] 
12. Figueira A.C., Gomes C., Mendes N., Amorim I., de Matos A.J.F., Dias-Pereira P., Gärtner F.
13. de Oliveira JT, Ribeiro C, Barros R, Gomes C, de Matos AJ, Reis CA, Rutteman GR, Gärtner F
14. Amorim I, Smet A, Alves O, Teixeira S, Saraiva AL, Taulescu M, Reis C, Haesebrouck F, Gärtner F
15. de Oliveira JT, Santos AL, Gomes C, Barros R, Ribeiro C, Mendes N, de Matos AJ, Vasconcelos MH, Oliveira MJ, Reis CA, Gärtner F
16. Flores AR, Rêma A, Amorim I, Gartner F
Altered Expression of Claudin-1 Is Related With Malignancy in Canine Thyroid Tumors. In vivo (Athens, Greece) 29: 23-28, 2015. [Article] 
 PMID: 25600525.
17. Figueira AC, Gomes C, Vilhena H, Miranda S, Carvalheira J, DE Matos AJ, Dias-Pereira P, Gärtner F
 PMID: 26026096.
18. Benazzi C, Al-Dissi A, Chau CH, Figg WD, Sarli G, de Oliveira JT, Gärtner F
Angiogenesis in Spontaneous Tumors and Implications for Comparative Tumor Biology. TheScientificWorldJournal 2014: 919570, 2014. [Review] 
 doi: 10.1155/2014/919570 PMID: 24563633.
19. Amorim I, Freitas DP, Magalhães A, Faria F, Lopes C, Faustino AM, Smet A, Haesebrouck F, Reis CA, Gärtner F
 doi: 10.1111/hel.12125 PMID: 24689986.
20. Amorim I, Taulescu MA, Ferreira A, Rêma A, Reis CA, Faustino AM, Catoi C, Gärtner F
An immunohistochemical study of canine spontaneous gastric polyps. Diagnostic pathology 9: 166, 2014. [Article] 
21. Figueira AC, Gomes C, de Oliveira JT, Vilhena H, Carvalheira J, de Matos AJ, Pereira PD, Gärtner F
22. DE Oliveira JT, DE Matos AJ, Barros R, Ribeiro C, Chen A, Hespanhol V, Rutteman GR, Gärtner F
 PMID: 24778023.
23. Pinho SS, Carvalho S, Cabral J, Reis CA, Gärtner F
Canine tumors: a spontaneous animal model of human carcinogenesis. Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine 159: 165-72, 2012. [Review] 
24. Tavares C, de Oliveira JT, Lopes C, Carvalheira J, Matos AJ, Rutteman G, Reis CA, Gärtner F
Mucin 6 and tn antigen expression in canine mammary tumours: correlation with pathological features. Journal of comparative pathology 147: 410-8, 2012. [Article] 
25. Figueira AC, Teodósio AS, Carvalheira J, Lacerda M, de Matos A, Gärtner F
P-cadherin expression in feline mammary tissues. Veterinary medicine international 2012: 10.1155/2012/687424, 2012. [] 
 doi: 10.1155/2012/687424 PMID: 23091776.
26. Gil da Costa RM, Rema A, Pires MA, Gärtner F
27. de Oliveira JT, Pinho SS, de Matos AJ, Hespanhol V, Reis CA, Gärtner F
MUC1 expression in canine malignant mammary tumours and relationship to clinicopathological features. Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997) 182: 491-3, 2009. [Article] 
28. Amorim IF, Faria F, Lopes C, Reis C, Faustino A, Gartner F
Helicobacter Infection in Cats of the North of Portugal Preliminary Results Helicobacter 14: 353-353, 2009. [Meeting Abstract] 
29. Pinho SS, Matos AJ, Lopes C, Marcos NT, Carvalheira J, Reis CA, Gärtner F
30. Matos AJ, Duarte S, Lopes C, Lopes JM, Gärtner F
Splenic hamartomas in a dog. The Veterinary record 161: 308-10, 2007. [Article] 
 PMID: 17766811.
31. Gil da Costa RM, Rema A, Payo-Puente P, Gärtner F
32. Gil da Costa RM, Matos E, Rema A, Lopes C, Pires MA, Gärtner F
33. Matos AJ, Lopes C, Carvalheira J, Santos M, Rutteman GR, Gärtner F
34. Matos AJ, Faustino AM, Lopes C, Rutteman GR, Gärtner F
 PMID: 16679481.
35. De Matos AJ, Lopes CC, Faustino AM, Carvalheira JG, Dos Santos MS, Rutteman GR, Gärtner Mde F
 PMID: 16827113.
36. Dias Pereira P, Carvalheira J, Gärtner F
Cell proliferation in feline normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic mammary tissue--an immunohistochemical study. Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997) 168: 180-5, 2004. [Article] 
37. Reis AL, Carvalheira J, Schmitt FC, Gärtner F
Immunohistochemical study of the expression of E-cadherin in canine mammary tumours. The Veterinary record 152: 621-4, 2003. [Article] 
 PMID: 12790166.
38. Dias Pereira P, Gärtner F
Expression of E-cadherin in normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic feline mammary tissue. The Veterinary record 153: 297-302, 2003. [Article] 
 PMID: 14509576.
39. Reis-Filho JS, Gonçalves C, Gärtner F
Rectal leiomyosarcoma in a dog and review of gastrointestinal stromal tumours. The Veterinary record 153: 215-7, 2003. [Article] 
 PMID: 12956300.
40. Dias Pereira P, Azevedo M, Gärtner F
Case of malignant biphasic mesothelioma in a dog. The Veterinary record 149: 680-1, 2001. [Article] 
 PMID: 11765328.
41. Brown PJ, Rêma A, Gartner F
Thyroglobulin, calcitonin, Ki-67 and CEA immunohistochemical staining of dog thyroid carcinomas. European Journal of  Veterinary Pathology 7: 11-16, 2001. [] 
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